Chapter 13: A new life

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(Ten minutes later)

Oogi lands back down on Air Temple Island and everyone jumps down to the ground. Lin, Jinora, Ikki and Meelo come over to them. Tenzin kneels down and hugs his kids.

Tenzin: "Thank goodness you're alright."

Meelo: "We caught the bad guys." Meelo said while he climbed on his father's shoulders

Tenzin: "You let them fight? Do you realize what could've happened?"

Lin: "I would've been toast if it weren't for your kids. You should be proud. You taught them well."

Hiei: "She's right."

Lin: "Go on. Be with your wife."

Tenzin walks back into the temple. When he heard a crying noise, he immediately rushed towards the room Pema was in.

Korra, Hiei and Lin go into the temple to check on everything.

When they get to the room they saw Tenzin, Pema and the kids around the new-born baby.

Tenzin looks up and sees Hiei. "Hiei, come here. Come meet your Godson."

He smiled and walked over "I'm honored, thank you."

Pema: "Do you wanna hold him?"

Hiei: "Really?"

Tenzin: "Of course." He gently handed Hiei the baby boy.

Hiei: "Hey there, buddy." He looked up to Tenzin and Pema "What's his name?"

Tenzin: "Rohan."

Hiei: "That's great."

Just then Mako and Lin come in.

Lin: "I'm so sorry to interrupt, but more Airships are coming."

Ikki: "Everything's not going to be fine, is it daddy?"

Hiei gently handed Rohan back to Pema and went outside with the others.

When they got out there they saw two more Airships incoming.

Korra: "What do you wanna do Tenzin?"

He sighs. "I need to protect my family and get them as far away from this conflict as possible. If Amon got his hands on my children... I hate to even think of it."

Lin: "If you're leaving, then I'm going with you."

Tenzin: "But-"

Lin: "No arguments. You and your family are the last Airbenders. There's no way in the world I'm letting Amon take your bending away."

Tenzin: "Thank you Lin." He looks to Korra and Hiei. "Korra, Hiei, I want you to leave the island and hide for the time being."

Korra: "We're not giving up."

Tenzin: "I'm not asking you to. Hiei, I've sent word to your brother and the United Forces. They will be here soon. And once my family is safe, I will return. With the reinforcements we can turn the tide of this war."

Korra: "What you're saying is we need to be patient."

He puts his hand on her shoulder. "You're learning well." Tenzin then goes to get everything ready to leave.

After a few minutes everything is ready to go on the bison's.

Korra and Hiei hug Tenzin.

Tenzin: "Stay safe, you two."

Korra: "We will." She said as she stepped away

Hiei: "Tenzin, before you go there's something I need to tell you."

Tenzin: "What is it?"

Hiei: "I want to apologise. I haven't always been appreciative of your training. I've often been hot-headed, reckless, arrogant and I'm sorry for that. I just want you to know I'm grateful for everything you've done for me."

Tenzin smiled. "You are strong and wise, Hiei and I'm very proud of you. I have trained you since you were a little boy. I've taught you everything that I know and you have became a far greater Airbender than I could've ever hoped to be at your age. Just be patient. And it won't be long until you are made an Airbending Master."

Hiei: "Thank you." He hugged him again "Take care of the kids."

Tenzin: "I will."

Lin: "Tenzin, if we're leaving, we'd better do it now."

He jumps up onto Oogi and flies off with the other bison.

The Equalist's Airships show up and got ready to attack as they land on the island.

Guard: "Go. We'll hold them off."

Korra gets on Naga's back. "Everybody, climb on."

They all got on Naga's back and fled the scene.

As they go through the mountains Bolin spots the Lieutenant following them.

Bolin: "Mustache guy!"

Before he can get them, Naga jumps into the air and hits him sending him flying.

Korra: "Nice one, Naga."

After that they head towards the dock and Naga jumps into the water. Korra uses her Waterbending to create a bubble so they could breathe.

(After escaping Air Temple Island)

Everyone was now on the outside of the sewer system and they could see that the Equalist's had taken over Air Temple Island.

Hiei placed his hand on Korra's shoulder who was still looking at the island while everyone left. "Korra, we need to get moving. We can't stay here."

Korra: "You're right. Let's go."

They all headed further into the sewer to stay hidden from the Equalist's.

Out in the middle of the sea, the United Forces ships are heading towards Republic City.

General Iroh looks out into the distance when an officer shows up.

Officer: General, I just received a wire from Fire Prince Hiei and the Avatar. They say Amon and his forces have gained control of the city. How do you want to respond?"

Iroh: "Tell them we will be arriving in three days time and that I look forward to winning back
Republic City. Together."

Officer: "As you wish, General Iroh."

The United Forces continue forward to Republic City.

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