Chapter 23: The Trial

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{The next day}

Hiei, Mako, Bolin, and Asami were sitting in Varrick's office. "Where's Varrick? We should've closed our deal an hour ago." Asami said with her arms crossed.

Bolin: "Would you relax? This place is great. And the best part about it? Eska doesn't know I'm here." Just then the doors opened causing him and pabu to look up

Eska and Desna along with Northern troops entered the office.

Bolin quickly jumped up "I wasn't hiding. Hey, Hey-Hey, Hey."

Eska: "I'm not on the hunt for you. Currently."

Desna: "We're searching for Varrick. Our father wishes him to stand trial."

Asami: "What did he do?"

Eska: "He's a traitor to the Water Tribe along with our aunt and uncle."

Asami: "What?"

Mako: "Korra's parents were arrested?"

Desna: "Yes. Your powers of deduction are impressive." He said with sarcasm

Bolin: "Yeah, he's a cop."

Northen troop 1: "Varricks not here." He walked back up to the twins

Eska: "Very well. Desna, let us continue our search elsewhere." She turned her head back to Bolin "Boyfriend! Bow to me when I exit."

"Yes, Yes, my sweet koala-otter." He bowed down

Eska: "You are so cute when you grovel." She walked away

Asami looked down at Bolin after the doors closed "Don't let her treat you that way. Stand up for yourself."

Bolin got up on his feet "I tried to break up with her, but Mako gave me terrible advice. Thank you, Mako." He crossed his arms

Mako: "Wait how are your girl problems my fault?"

Asami: "Bolin, you need to be honest with her. Tell her how you really feel."

???: "Honesty is for fools, kid!"

The muffled voice caught everyone's attention as they looked around

Bolin: "Varrick?"

Varrick: "If you wanna ditch this girl, then make yourself scarce. Disappear, like I did!"

Asami: "Where are you?"

Varrick: "Somewhere Unalaq will never find me." Suddenly he opened the platypus-bear's mouth. "Inside Ping-ping! How we doin'?"

Mako: "The coast is clear. You can come out."

Varrick: "No way mister. Not until I know it's absolutely, 157% safe." A teacup appeared from behind him "Ahh, thank you, Zhu Li."

Hiei: "Your assistant's in there too?"

Varrick: "Zhu Li never leaves my side." He took a sip from his teacup but immediately spits it out "You forgot the honey!"

Zhu Li: "Sorry sir, there isn't any in here."

Varrick: "No honey!? We're in a bear for crying out loud!"

Hiei: "I'm gonna go see how Korra's doing." He said as he walked away from the group heading outside

{Time skip}

Hiei, Korra, and Unalaq stood together while the trial began to process.

Bolin sat down next to Asami and Mako "We're good to go. I gave all the money to some guys over there. I told them to "Take care of it", and then I winked. Pretty sure they got the message." He looked over at the two guys he bribed who were grinning at the money then at Bolin. He gave them a thumbs up while Asami and Mako facepalmed.

Just then the Jude began to bang his gavel getting everyone's attention

Bailiff: "This trial will now come to order. Judge Hotah presiding."

Bolin: "Man, I should've paid him!" He said looking at the Judge taking his seat

Asami: "Yeah, you think?"

Unalaq stood before the judge "I was asleep in my chambers when the rebels attacked. They overpowered me, and the next thing I remember was waking up in the snow after Avatar Korra had saved me."

After Unalaq told his side of the story, he walked back to his spot and now Korra was standing before the judge "According to Unalaq's testimony, you attended a meeting where Varrick tried to incite a civil war. Is that true?" He looked at Korra

Korra: "Yes."

Hotah: "And were these men present at that meeting?"

Korra: "Well, yes, but-"

Hotah: "And where exactly did this meeting take place?"

Bolin stood up "Objection!"

Hotah: "Quiet down out there!" Bolin sat back down "I'll ask you one more time. Where did this meeting happen?"

Korra: "My parents house."

Hotah: "Varrick and your father led the meeting, didn't they?"

Korra: "My parents are innocent!"

Hotah: "I've heard all I need to. I'll return shortly with my decision." He stood up from his seat and left

A few minutes later, the judge returns with his decision. "Senna, please step forward." He said as she walked up infront of him "I have found you innocent. You're free to go."

The guard releases Senna from her handcuffs and she approaches Korra and hug her

Hotah: "On the charge to treason. You're all found.. guilty. The punishment for this crime... is death."

Everybody was shocked as Mako and Asami stood up.

Korra: "You can't do this! You take their lives and I'll take yours!"

Unalaq: "Korra, calm down. I'll talk to him." Unalaq walks up to him. "I know I promised to respect what ever decision you made. But I must ask you to reconsider. Show these men and my brother mercy."

Hotah: "Very well. I'll change their punishment.
Your lives will be spared. But you will live them out in prison."

Everyone sighed of relief before they were escorted out of the courtroom

Korra: "Thank you, Uncle." Korra looked up at him and smiled

After the trial, everyone left the courtroom to continue their day.

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