Chapter 40: Rescuing Airbenders

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Korra: "I can't believe miss queeny smug face had them right under our noses the whole time!"

Tenzin: "We have to get into the compound tonight and get those airbenders out."

Bumi: "All right. We go in under the cover of darkness. Two small insertion teams and a third the outside. Then all we'll need is twelve tons of blasting jelly, a medium sized bulldozer, and... does anyone have a badger mole that knows morse code?"

Suddenly there was knocking at the door.

Asami: "Ugh, great. Not the Queen again."

Korra: "Everyone, act normal. And Bolin."

Bolin: "I'm on it!"

Pabu jumps into Bolin's shirt and Tenzin opens the door.

Tenzin: "Lin? What are you doing here?"

Lin: "We need to get Korra out of here immediately. Her life's in danger."

Korra: "What? What's going on?"

Lin: "I just got word from Lord Zuko and Tonraq."

Korra: "Why is Lord Zuko with my dad?"

Lin: "Zaheer and the others have escaped."

Tenzin: "How is that possible?"

Lin: "Because Zaheer is an airbender now."

Tenzin: "No."

Korra: "All right. Hold on, would you quit ignoring me and tell me what's going on. Who's Zaheer? Why's my life in danger?"

Tenzin: "Shortly after we found out you were the Avatar. Zaheer and five others attempted to kidnap you. Your father, Chief Sokka, Lord Zuko, Taiju, and I were able to apprehend the criminals and lock them away in prisons designed to impair their abilities."

Korra: "So, that's why you and my dad sheltered me away."

Tenzin: "It was for your own safety."

Hiei: "Why were they trying to kidnap, Korra?"

Lin: "We spent thirteen years interrogating them. But they never broke. To this day who knows what their motive was. Now, we need to get you back to Republic City where I can protect you."

Korra: "No. I'm not running."

Lin: "Korra, you don't understand. These criminals are like nothing you've ever faced before."

Korra: "Look, I'm not a little kid anymore. You don't need to protect me. I came here for one thing, to find Airbender's and I'm not leaving without them."

Lin: "Fine. Let's get 'em and get outta here. Where are they?"

Hiei: "In a military compound and we're busting them out."

{Time skip}

Jinora was hiding behind the wall as two guards were making their way to her after hearing a strange sound.

Jinora: "Hi."

Guard 1: "Hey, what are you doing here?"

Guard 2: "Ah, it's just that little airbender girl who came with the Avatar. You shouldn't be walking around here all alone."

Jinora: "I'm not alone."

She points behind them as Korra, Mako, Bolin, Tenzin, Hiei, and Bumi were right behind them. They knock out the two guards and they quickly ran inside and to the stairway as the Dai Lee Agents walked by.

Tenzin: "Bumi, Korra, Mako, you will come with me to find the Airbender's."

Hiei: "While you guys are doing that, Jinora, Bolin and I will find Kai."

Tenzin: "Yes. We'll meet on the surface shortly."

Hiei: "Okay. Just be careful."

Tenzin: "You too. Radio us if something goes wrong."

After that Bolin, Jinora and Hiei left to find Kai.


The trio had finally made it to the cells

Jinora stops at one of them.

Hiei: "Is he in there?"

Jinora: "Yes. This is the one."

Hiei opened the cell and they saw Kai sitting on a bench. "Kai, you're okay. We're getting you out." Hiei said.

Jinora: "Kai!" She runs in and hugs him, then kisses him on the cheek.

Bolin: "Whoa! Tenzin's not gonna be happy about this."

Hiei: "Then don't tell him."

Bolin: "How can I not? This is too juicy!"

Kai: "Thanks for coming back for me. I'm really sorry about stealing your wallet and running away and getting you and Mako stuck on that train."

Bolin: "Oh, I can't stay mad at you!" He hugged Kai

Hiei: "Come on. Let's go."

The four would leave and turn the corner to see guards in their way.

Guard: "Deserting her majesty's army is high treason, punishable by death."

They shoot rocks at them with Earthbending.

Bolin and Hiei dodged their attack and fire back with Firebending/Earthbending.

They worked together and manage to take down two guards.

The third gets back up and gets ahold of Jinora.

Just then Kai rushes in and hits him with Airbending knocking him to the ground.

Hiei: "Nice job. Great form."

Kai: "Thanks. I had a good teacher."

After that they would head back up to the surface to catch up with the other's.

They made it outside to see the others are escaping.

Bolin: "We need help!!!"

Multiple Dai Li agents shot their Earthbending down towards the four as they followed the airship that was in the sky

Hiei saw his dragon and called out to him. "Sora! We need a pick-up!"

Sora flew down and scooped up Kai, Jinora, Bolin and Hiei as they all managed to fly up to join the others.

{The next day}

It's now the early morning and Team Avatar managed to gather the Airbender's together.

Tenzin, Korra and Hiei stood infront of them all.

Tenzin: "Now, I know none of you chose to become Airbender's, but now you do have a choice. We can relocate you somewhere safe, or you can come with me to the Northern Air Temple to live in peace and train as Air Nomad's."

Hiei: "You're no longer anyone's property. What path you decide is up to you."

One by one the Airbender's decide to go with Tenzin. So Tenzin will take Asami's airship to the Northern Air Temple, while Korra and the others take the RCPD airship to continue looking for Airbender's.

Tenzin: "Are you sure you don't want to come with us? I could use some help training this new Airbender's."

Hiei: "I would, but with these criminals after Korra, I'd rather stick close to her."

He smiled. "I understand. As long as you watch each other's backs, you'll both be okay."

The two shared a hug

Tenzin: "Good luck, son. And be careful."

Hiei: "I will. Good luck training those Airbender's."

He nodded as the two pulled away and went to their respective airships.

Hiei: "Time to go and find more Airbender's."

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