Prologue 1/2

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Y/n POV:

My brain is dying from the lack of socialization.

I want to die, but I don't like pain.

I was thinking about my goals when suddenly I heard an unfamiliar, robotic voice.

[Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!]

I pull my blanket over my head, I didn't want this type of bullshit right now.

[System42069 boosting up.. loading..]

[Updating data..]

Shut up, shut up, shut up! If this was here to kill me, then just do it!

But.. I don't want to die. I don't want to live, either.

[34%.. 35%.. 69%..]

I pull the cover down, staring right at the voice.

"Who are you?" I ask, why was it loading so slow?

[76%.. 82%.. 87%.. 98%..]

What happens when it finishes loading?

[99%....... 100%]
[System updated, processing new host..]

Is this one of those systems where I get a new start with infinite rizz and become powerful? Am I.. the main character?!

Holy shit, I'm the main character!

[12%.. 78%.. 91%.. 100%]


Do I pull in the future? If so, load faster, system! I want to start my rizz adventure!

[Hello, host. I am system42069, I will be assisting you.]

"Ok, now this is life!" I sit up, and a wide grin is plastered on my face.

[I heard you wanted to pull bitches?]

"Um.. yeah, I guess."

[Never in my three years of working as a system have I seen a host so pathetic.]

[Downloading emojis.. 70%.. 100%..]



Even a robot looks down on me..

[I will get on to the point.]

[Y/n L/n, born on (birthday), depressing, lonely, no friends, no ego, no pride, no dignity, no shame, no bitches, not loved, unlucky, weird, stupid.]

[To be honest, you're so depressing.]

"Are you trying to convince me to commit suicide?"

Why would a system convince me to commit suicide? I don't want to. I want to live. It's just hard, but I can get through it.

[Of course not. Suicide is murder.]

"So.. what do I do?" I question this dumb systems existence, what is it's purpose here?

[Stop the small talk, do you want to travel Teyvat?]

[yes / no]

Why not?

I click on the 'yes', and my vision starts to get blurry.

You know that feeling when you stand up too quickly so you feel like you're gonna pass out? That's how I feel except I'm actually passing out.


Two Obsessions / Dom/M!Reader x Kunikuzushi/ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now