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Kunikuzushi/Scaramouche POV:

"..Ngh! I'm g-gonna cum.." I blurted out, holding and press his body against mine in comfort.

I was humping back against his fingers, wanting more stimulation. He's not going to pull out last second, right? He kisses my forehead, and pulls out. I jinxed it.

I whined softly, kicking my legs. By now, we were both naked somehow.

(Mainly bc who tf has sex with clothes on, bffr. Plus idk how to write them taking their clothes off SEDUCTIVELY in that position 💦💦 Also the lights are off 😏)

"Wait patiently, my dear." All the nicknames makes me feel loved, but I'd never admit it. "Please, I want to c- ah!" I moaned as his fingers went to my dick.

He starts stroking it gently, and I tremble more. "A-ah... Faster, please, aah.." The way how he was so slow with his movements on purpose made me whimper.

"Okay, okay. I won't tease you anymore, baby boy." I sighed in relief, but only for a second. He ties my hands up, and I realize it's going to be an extra long night. He gets the vibrator. "Well, you love it, don't you?"

I nod quickly, getting on my knees then laying down, presenting my ass to him. "Needy, I see." He pushes the vibrator inside me, the cold metal toy pushing against my twitching walls perfectly.

I moaned loudly, feeling every inch of it fill me up. He grabs another thing, I wonder what it is.. could it make me feel good?

"Kuni, I want to try something." I nod eagerly, wanting to feel good. The item he grabbed was a ring, but just not a normal ring. He slides it onto my dick. I gasp, obviously. He then presses a remote, and the ring tightens a little.

I bite my lip, feeling my ass filled up and my cock being stimulated feels better than I imagined. "Now, you can't cum." Oh. Is that what the ring was for? That's not good...

He ties my hands together to the bedframe, and starts the vibrations. This familiar feeling, I moan loudly. "Ah! Ah! Harder, right there! Ngh, ngh!" He turns the vibrations higher slowly.

"Ah, more, mm! F-fuck, too good, ah!" I accidentally curse, but it's no problem.. He turns it higher. "Ngh, ah!" I moan louder as the vibrations get higher.

My legs kick around, not staying in one spot. He's above me, giving me hickeys while controlling the remote. "You're such a slut, Kuni. You're my naughty slut, aren't you?" I nod, taken over by the pleasure.

"Good." Saying this, he bites my neck again. I moan out loud, feeling my body tense. "Ah, ah! Ngh, mm, ah! I'm gonna cum!" I exclaim, moving my hips, hoping to get more stimulation and cum.

The vibrations don't change, however, he tightens the ring. I gasp, the pain from not being able to cum was bad.

"Please, aaah.. ngh.. mm! Ngh, please!" I begged and pleaded, desperate for release. The ring tightened again, and I could only cry out. "No, please, want to cum, Y/n, ah!"

I moaned, Y/n just watching me like I was the most perfect being in that moment.


I woke up, feeling extra comfortable. Y/n was awake, hugging and cuddling me. I stayed in that position, it's not like we have a mission. Paperwork can be delayed.. a few hours.

"Kuni, I love you so much." He said randomly, kissing my forehead. Did he know I was awake? "Sometimes.. I just want to lock you up and keep you all to myself."

That was.. interesting. I'd think the same. "Please don't ever leave me. I'd go crazy for you." What was with him? All these cheesy compliments.. make me feel too special. "I'd never leave you. If you want me gone, I'd lock you up and come see you everyday. We'd never separate!" Never separate.. mm. I didn't want him gone anyways.

He kissed my forehead again, his hands running through my hair softly. "Good morning." He says, did he want me to respond? "....."

"I know you're awake." My cover was blown, might as well say it back. "Good morning." He smiles, and holds me closer.

"You can't lie to me. I'd see through you like you're glass." I nod, wrapping my arms around his chest. "I won't leave you."

(Uploaded in a rush 😭 Sorry for typos!)

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