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(Look at how good I draw eyes 😻

This masterpiece took 7 tries and even if it's on a TikTok filter it's still good 😋)

Kunikuzushi POV:

Ah, now that I have so many cats.. I've begun to miss Tea. I wonder why he ran away...


"Y/n! Did you see Tea? I've prepared his breakfast but I can't seem to find him anywhere." Kuni asked.

Y/n's figure staggered, as he cleared his throat and continued sipping his Expresso. "..no."


"Get out you stupid fox." Y/n said, annoyed as he carried Tea by his neck, walking out of their home and into the dark forest. Mind you this was 4am.

"Ugh, ever since you came, Kuni and my time has lessened! He doesn't even dress up in cute dresses for me anymore.." Y/n said, wiping a fake tear as the fox struggled in his hold again.

"We went from five times a week to two times! Do you know how major that is?! My baby spends all his time feeding you, grooming you, playing with you- I wish he'd play with me.." Y/n said bitterly.

Y/n walks deep into the forest, now smiling. "Alright, now go~" Y/n dropped Tea, which the fox immediately ran away from Y/n, who was gonna turn into a big threat and probably skin the poor fox alive if he didn't go.


"Hey, Kuni, the door was actually opened today. I shut it while making breakfast." Y/n said, offering his husband a smile. "Perhaps it ran away?"

Kunikuzushi gasped at the statement, nearly breaking down right there. "Wha- He ran away?! No..!" Kunikuzushi then locks himself in the room, crying for an hour before Y/n finally persuades him.

"..why would he run away..?" Kunikuzushi asked softly, laying in Y/n's arms, hugging a smaller plushie. "It's okay, darling, it wasn't your fault." Y/n said, smirking internally as he placed a kiss on Kunikuzushi's forehead.


"Kuni! The weather is bright today, why don't we take a walk?" Y/n smiled at me, as I agreed. "Why not?"

We went for a walk in the nearby forest, holding hands. I caught Y/n staring at me multiple times, but I didn't mind. I was staring at him, too.

We saw a few squirrels, and they were pretty cute. Uh-

"Tea?!" I gasped, and Y/n snapped his head back from where he was originally looking.

(I have no idea what sounds a fox makes)

Tea whimpered, and I carried him in my arms. He looked so miserable! Had he been starving..? Poor fox..

Y/n came close, and kissed me gently before snatching Tea over. For some reason, Tea reacted wildly once he saw Y/n, their relationship wasn't this bad before, right?

"Ah, Kuni, I don't think this is Tea, this fox looks different." Y/n said, with a weird smile as he set the fox down. "But they look so similar? And only Tea has this spot on his ears.." I pointed to a small black spot on the fox's right ear.

"Maybe it's common? Who knows, but this probably isn't Tea." Y/n said, holding my hand again. "Let's set this little guy free!"

Once Y/n set the fox down, it hurried to me, hissing at Y/n. "Are you Tea?" I asked gently, scooping the fox into my arms again as Y/n stared at the poor fox in annoyance.

I pet the fox's head, and it purred happily. The happiness didn't last long, before Y/n snatched Tea away again. "Shoo!" He said, almost throwing the poor fox onto the ground.

Tea whimpered, hissing at Ace. What was happening? It was clearly Tea, so why was Y/n denying it? Unless.. Tea didnt run away?

"Y/n M/n L/n." I said sternly, which Y/n reacts quickly. "Y-yes, Kuni..?"

"How did Tea go missing?" I hugged Tea again, making sure Y/n couldn't take him away now. "..he ran away, of course..!"

"Then why is he hissing at you and why are you denying that this is Tea?!" I asked, glaring at Y/n. He couldn't have possibly done something bad to Tea.. right?

"..uh, because.." "No excuses anymore? Tell me the truth!" I yelled, pouting as I stomped on Y/n's foot. "Ow-!"

"Fine, fine.. I, um, I threw him away. Kind of." Y/n said. "..you threw him away?!" I yelled, shocked and saddened. "Why?!"

"..you gave him too much attention..!" Y/n whined, hugging me suddenly. "You didn't give me as much attention.."

"That's why you threw away our pet?" I asked again, sighing. "Y/n, I'm not mad, just disappointed."

With that, Tea began hissing at Y/n in victory, trying to scratch him through my arms. "Shh, let's go home, Tea!" I smiled, carrying Tea and leaving Y/n behind. "Wait up, Kuni bae~"

"You're sleeping on the couch." Y/n whined at that, but he probably expected it. "How long..?" "However long Tea has been gone for." I said, hiding a small smirk. "What?! That's like half a year!"

Tea hissed at Y/n again, then snuggled into my arms more, much to Y/n's discomfort. I giggled.

(Uh, it's been very long.. 🥳🥳


Anyways hope you all enjoyed this boring chapter, and I'm sorry for the boring chapter 😭😭)

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