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(I cut myself six times in art class 💀

I want Clara so bad 😭😭

Dwang I haven't updated in a week 💀 Sorry y'all children my bad I'm in state testing 😔)

Y/n POV:     

I spent the rest of the 3 days pleasing (pleasuring) Kuni.. I didn't have much time with him left.

Ten minutes before I left, he hugged tight and didn't let go. "Please, d-don't leave me, I-i don't know what to do, please, I beg you..!" It broke my heart to see him like this, but I could only helplessly kiss and comfort him before I had to go.

"Kuni.. remember, I always love you." I said, kissing him deeply into the last few seconds.

We held each other close, and then I felt everything black out.


[Ding! Ding! Ding!]

[Transportation success, thank you for your purchases in the system]

[Your journey in Teyvat has ended. Enjoy your normal life now!]

Was what I heard when I woke up.

I was in my normal bed, which became extremely abnormal to me since I haven't seen it in five centuries.

"Fuck you." I said, tears threatening to pour out of my eyes. I had lost everything. Kuni..

My first five months back was depressing. I constantly starved myself, and I didn't go out of my room for even a second u less to use the bathroom.

Then, I became an internet addict and kept on watching Kuni, becoming obsessed with him and wishing I could kiss him and hold him again.

I started playing Genshin Impact, I was a Xiao main. Then came version 3.3. I used $730 to get Scara C6R5. I don't regret it.

I maxed him out, constantly obsessing over him and admiring him through the screen.

One day, I was practically drooling over a 'Scaramouche r34' picture when I heard a familiar voice..

[Beep! Beep! Travel Teyvat?

Yes / No]

[Holy shit, you again? Are you that depressing that the system chose you again?]

[Bye I hope your miserable]

"First of all, it's 'you're' with an r and an e with an apostrophe. Second, yes!" I said, pressing that yes like I just won a trillion dollars.

[Hell naw, I'm not doing that]

"Remember how many RP I got you?! I just need a few years!" I said, punching the system board.

[And how much exactly is 'a few years'?]

"Uh.. eternity? I-if you can't do that, a hundred? It's the minimum!" I said, nervous it'd disappear any moment.

[I can give you five minutes]

"Are you fucking kidding me?! Five minutes isn't enough to do anything!"

[Anything last five minutes is against the rules!]

[Beep! Beep! System update]

[So the archon of rizz (author) is in a good mood and she doesn't know what else to do with the storyline so you're getting two hundred years]

"Horray! Bless the archon of rizz!" I said, dancing around happily. (I'm too good 😉)

Uh, I guess just like that, I got transported. My first mission was to find my Kuni..! I missed him so much!

What was it in the storyline right now? Was he in the robot? How could they just leave my baby there after he fell from so high?! Ugh, those motherfuckers.

But.. he should be in Sumeru.


I walked around the Sumeru market, it was so lively..

I saw a familiar stand, with a familiar man there selling fruits. But, Kuni wasn't there..

Maybe he was out? I better ask the man. "Hello, may I ask if anybody by the name 'Wanderer' works around here?" J asked, approaching the sales man.

"Wanderer? Yeah, he just went out to collect more sunsettias. Why?" He asked, staring at me while I was beaming with joy. "Nothing. I'll go now, thanks!"

I immediately ran to the location where I remembered Kuni was collecting the sunsettias in the event, and Traveler should be with him.

Except, I got lost.

I mean, who wouldn't without a destination on your map? The Sumeru market was big, okay?

I ran around for a while, then gave up and my excitement died down. I was so sad now, almost crying as I couldn't find my beloved Kuni.

I've decided to wait and see Kuni come back to the man's stand.

I waited, and waited. Soon, he showed up. My Kuni..! My main..! My baby girl..!

I ran towards him, almost knocking him over as I hugged him tightly.

The Traveler seemed shocked to see me, and was immediately armed for battle. "Kuni..! I missed you so much-!" I exclaimed, crying.

"S-sir, perhaps you mistaken me for someone else? I'm Wanderer." He said, looking nervous. I just continued to hug him while the Traveler slowly put down her weapon.

(This book is coming to an end lmao.. Thank you all for 100K+ reads!! Dang bro I didn't expect so many.

So like also my Genshin acc isn't going to get banned bc my mom only got a refund from the bank and not Genshin so yay 😉

Forgot to mention it's 3am for me rn)

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