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Kunikuzushi/Scaramouche POV:         

I watch the sun rise, and see a couple shops open.

I go and shop for breakfast, although I didn't need to eat. I still want to feel human after all.

All of a sudden, I heard fast footsteps behind me. They sounded familiar

I swiftly turn around, and see.. the man from yesterday.

I look at them curiously, while they try to remember and say my name.

"Hey, Kuni.. um, Kuni.."

"It's Kunikuzushi." I said, crossing my arms and giving him a puzzled look.

"Yes, Kuni.. ku.. Kuni! Are you sure you don't want to be my friend?" It's no use, telling this man to remember my name properly or stop asking will do nothing.

And what did he just call me? Kuni?

"Please do not call me that.. and, I'm sorry, but I do not want to be your friend." I repeated.

"Why not?!" He shouted again, sulking slightly.

"Sir, if I just ask, why do you want me to be your friend of all people..?" I look at him in the eyes, dead serious.

Why must this man be friends with me? What does he see in me?

"Because... Your eyes are really pretty, your long hair is very smooth, so is your skin.. Your face is very cute, your always so elegant.." All of a sudden, he starts complimenting me.

My face is heating up when I heard him call my face cute. His is.. cute too? No, it's more like handsome..

Sorry, I'm not very good with compliments.

"...your voice is very charming, though I've never seen you smile, I believe it must be a godly sight-"

Me? Smile?

He went on and on about what he thought about me, which made me extremely red and flustered.

The shop owner was also staring at him wide eyed, curious, probably.

"S-stop right there- y-you-" I was stuttering again?

My face must be red right now. He mustn't see.. I cover up majority of my face with both my hands.

"Why are you saying all this?!" My face felt like it was on fire.

"It's true, I was just trying to convince you into being my friend!" He argued back childishly, pouting.

Is he angry at me for interrupting his praises about me?

"So, will you be my friend?" They asked again.

I didn't know how I felt about this, but I felt the same as yesterday,

This time, however, I liked the feeling I had when I was with him.

It felt.. correct. Perhaps I could figure human emotions out better with him by my side.

"..okay." I replied.

Abrupting, he set his hand on my head.

I was startled, but I don't object the action.. wait, no, I can't be like this.

"H-hey, we're not friends to that extend!" I worriedly tried to push his hand back.

"Well, you're my friend now! Me, Y/n, you, Kuni, friends forever!" He took his hand back, and gave me a smile.

They got my name wrong again. "It's Kunikuzushi. How many times do I have to remind you, sir?"

"Well, if you want me to stop calling you Kuni, then how about you stop calling me 'sir', too?!" He said, putting his arms on his hips and turning his head. He was acting childish.

I suppose it's only being fair. "Okay, Y/n. Now say my name, properly."

He seemed to be zoning out, so I reminded him again. "Say it, please. Ku-ni-ku-zu-shi, it's not that hard." I said, crossing my arms again.

"Ok, ok. Kuni- ku- sushi?" I didn't mean to gasp, but I did. The audacity! Comparing my name to sushi?!

"How can you not pronounce a simple name?! You're not from here, are you?" I guessed that he wasn't.

He giggles for some reason. "Yeah, I come from a whole different place, hehe."

I truly cannot understand human emotions properly. Why was he laughing?

Y/n, huh. I'll remember that name. We're friends now. He'll help me with emotions, right?

In exchange.. I'll give him whatever he wants.

Two Obsessions / Dom/M!Reader x Kunikuzushi/ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now