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Kunikuzushi/Scaramouche POV:

"Kuni~ darling, wakey time.." Y/n said, I groaned and hugged him tighter. I heard him sigh, "Well, I can certainly carry you back. You know I can't reject your cute face.."

I wasn't even trying to be cute.. whatever. I can feel him wrap me in a blanket, and gentle lift me up. I wrap my arms around his neck, and close my eyes in comfort.


"Sleep tight, honey. I'll wake you up for dinner once I'm back." He said, placing me down onto the gigantic bed. Before he left, I grabbed his wrist. "Hm?"

"Sleep with me." I said, I think he misunderstood.. "Aw~ Kuni, we just-" "..no, I meant like lay down with me." Silence.

"..oh." Awkwardness. "Sorry, Kuni, but I need to deal with some peasants." He said, rubbing my head. "Wear gloves." I said warning him about how last time he forgot to wear gloves and had to wash his hands but the blood didn't come off without leaving the sink a mess.

"Yeah, I'll remember." He said, kissing me on the cheeks. From nowhere, he gives me a really big plushie. The plushie was my favorite.. a big bear. "Let Mr. Bear keep you company." He said, smiling.

I nodded slowly, hugging Mr. Bear tightly as he covers me with the blanket. "Goodbye~ Have a nice nap!" "Goodbye." I said, closing my eyes and soon falling asleep.


I woke up to a loud thud, I immediately sat up and looked around warily. I grabbed the stash of knives under the pillow, and unwillingly let go of Mr. Bear.

"Who the fuck broke in this late.." I mumbled, checking some rooms. There were about 109 rooms to check in our mansion. (Is 109 a bit much I was going to write 209)

When I found nothing, that's when I started to feel suspicious. I went back to our room, seeing the room not much different but I knew someone must've been in here.

I smell blood and mud, it was raining outside so it's easy to get mud on your shoes.

I heard someone in the bathroom, and I silently walked there. I barged the door open, ready to attack. Only to see.. "Y/n?"

"Kuni? You're awake?" He said, his eyes wide. He had clearly not expected me. He was injured. "Where are you hurt?"

He doesn't answer. "Nowhere. It's not my blood." I know what his blood smells like. During one time on a mission 69 years ago.. he was badly injured.

"Liar" I can see the bandages and medicine on the counter, he was clearly about to patch them up and not let me know.

I grabbed the medicine and bandages, and sat down. "I'll do it for you." I felt guilty, why didn't I go with him? I could've stopped him from getting hurt.. wait, "How'd you get hurt anyways?" He was the sixth harbinger.. those peasants shouldn't be able to harm him.

"I told you, this isn't- ow!" He flinches, the medicine stinging on his wound. I looked at him sadly, worried. "I thought you said no lies or secrets were between us.." I faked cry. "K-kuni, don't cry, I'm sorry.." He wiped my tears and tried to smile with blood at the corners of his mouth.

He tried to hold me and comfort me, but I pushed him away. "Kuni! Don't cry, please?"

I cried harder, and he panicked harder. "Kuni, my love, honey, please don't cry, I don't deserve you, you do so much for me, I'm sorry I lied to you, I can fix this right now if you give me a chance!"

"..okay, explain." I said with a small pout, rubbing my eyes. He thanked me, then apologized, then said how much he loved me and didn't deserve this chance and how grateful he is.. "Just get on with the point.

Two Obsessions / Dom/M!Reader x Kunikuzushi/ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now