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Y/n POV:

"On my way to find Kuni~ such a great day~" I sang while skipping to where Kuni was.

Ever since we became friends, Kuni would wait for me everyday at the same shop.

At least he didn't know I was once homeless, the damn system finally started up and my house was loaded.

It was a small wooden cabin with one room, one kitchen, and a bathroom.

Yeah, there was such a small space, but it was fine. I would wake up, go to Kuni, spent the whole day with him including breakfast and lunch, then buy some random stuff for dinner and go home.

So, everything was fine. Although everyday was a loop, being with Kuni enough for me.

Throughout my time with Kuni, I learned more about Teyvat, including the visions and archons and stuff.

"Kuni! I'm here!" I yelled loudly, gaining his and nearby passerbys attention.

I smile brightly, and wave my hand. "Hello, Y/n. Did you have breakfast?" He asked, again.

Everyday he would ask me if I had breakfast yet, and if I didn't he would buy me breakfast. How sweet!

So, I would not eat breakfast on purpose. Not like I really had any breakfast to begin with. I've been neglecting my RP points, so I couldn't really exchange it for any mora. In other words, I'm broke.

"No.. you know me." I say, smiling even brighter, looking forward towards eating breakfast with him. "That's not good. You should start eating breakfast, Y/n." He said, worried.

He handed me a bag, full of food. "Thanks, Kuni!" He was housewife material.

"Do you want some?" I asked, he probably didn't eat breakfast yet either. "No thank you. I ate already." He answered confidently.

I knew he was lying. "Are you sureeee? It sure looks like you just woke up and bought breakfast than gave it to me, no?"

After knowing Kuni for a while, I knew exactly what he looked like when he woke up. Messy hair, dull eyes, and his clothes were out on in a hurry everyday.

"Sure." He answered again, as if he never rejected my offer to eat together. "Yay, you're the best, Kuni!"

We sat down in a nearby restaurant, and started eating breakfast. There were many things in the bag, bread, juice, sandwiches, cookies, cakes, water, everything.

Usually, I would say: "Who the hell buys so many things for breakfast?!" In my old life, I didn't even eat breakfast.

But, by some magically feeling, the first time Kuni bought me breakfast, I felt touched. It felt like he truly cared about me.. I liked that feeling.

"Kuni, do you want apple juice, grape juice, mango juice, orange juice, pineapple juice, or water?" I asked, panting from saying everything single juice in the bag in a rush.

"Water would be fine." I've been trying to figure out if he was lying or not, if he really wanted water or he was just shy to admit he wanted apple juice or something.

"Are you sure? Water is so plain.." I've made a terrible mistake.

"Drinking water first in the morning before eating would help you digest faster, even if it was plain it is healthier to drink water. Any form of juice may-" You see, he's been lecturing me everytime I say something as much as 'Water is plain'.

"Okay, stop right there, I know now." I said, keeping my head low and putting my hand to my forehead.

"Oh, sorry. I must've been blabbering about useless stuff. You may have anything you desire, don't let my words get in your way." He said, staring at the orange juice I'm holding.

"Oh.. nonono, it's fine, I'll just drink water." It was just then, that I had realized that there was only one bottle of water.

There were two bottles of everything, so why was there only one bottle of water?!

"Sure." He replied, I don't think he's realized there only one bottle yet. But, I have the perfect solution!

"There's only one bottle of water." He paused for a moment, as if thinking back to if he really didn't buy two bottles of water. "That is my mistake, you can have it."

"No, I have an excellent solution. We can share it!"

Two Obsessions / Dom/M!Reader x Kunikuzushi/ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now