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Kunikuzushi/Scaramouche POV:           

(Lol this was after the boy died/third betrayal)

Everyone had betrayed me. Humans, they can't be trusted..

As I was walking through Inazuma, I sensed somebody behind me. I turned around, to be met with a person taller.

Even if they are taller, I can put up a fight.

"Who are you?!" I asked, stepping back from the person slightly.

"O-oh, sorry.. miss, I just wanted to a-"

"Miss? I'm a guy!"

How dare this human call me a lady.

"I'm so sorry, sir. It's just because you're very beautiful, and your hair is so elegant, I'm so sorry sir!" They say in a rush, I suppose it's alright since it was a minor mistake.

"...Did you need anything?" I asked. They must some business with me.

However, they just stare at me in silence. Their face, are they sick? "...sir?"

"Oh.. oh! Y-yes, I was gonna ask.." He paused. Did he forget? Human habits.

"....for your name..?"

My name?

"My name.. It's.." Should I call myself 'Kunikuzushi'? Should I get a new name, and restart on everything?

He (the child) betrayed me too. Humans.. if you trust them, they will betray you.

But.. perhaps I can give this human one last chance.

"...Kunikuzushi, my name." I said, bowing a little. Inazuma etiquette, they should know it. Are they not from here?

"It's very pretty. My name is Y/n!" Y/n.. that's an interesting name. I've never had anyone call my name pretty.

Suddenly, he raised both his hands. I knew he was up to no good.

Before I could act, he pulled my hands together, and cupped them inside of his hands. They were.. warm.

"Nice to meet you, Y/n. Did you need something from me?.." I say after hesitating for a few seconds, pulling my hands free from his hypnotizing warmth.

My hands returned to being cold as usual. "Oh.. no. I was just wondering if you wanted to become friends?" They ask, smiling happily. They were attractive.

But, he, wanted to be friends with me?

"Friends? With me? " I opened my eyes wide, and looked at him. Trying to contain my inner excitement, knowing I'm not supposed to have any.

"Yes, with you!"

Although this human is very attractive, interesting, has warm hands, has a charming smile, it wouldn't be good for him to hangout with me.

I'm not human, if he found out, would he still give me that same smile and.. hold my hands?

Another betrayal.. huh. "I'm going to have to reject your offer, Y/n."

I feel bad, especially after seeing his hurt and pained eyes.

I wanted to apologize, but I'm not supposed to. I'm a puppet, I mustn't show too much emotion.

I cannot feel, I mustn't feel sympathy for this man.

I looked down, staring at the ground intensely.

"What?! Why?!" He shouted, sounding desperate. My heart hurts, but I ignore the feeling.

"I'm sorry, but.. it's just, u-um.." I was stuttering, because of him? Why? He would never understand me..

"..is there any reason you can't be friends with me..?" He asked, looking down, his hair covering his hurt eyes.

It isn't good if I keep staying here. I've got to go.

This man is making me feel things I shouldn't feel, I must leave immediately.

"I'm sorry, I have to go now." I said formally before turning around and running as fast as I can away from him.

I turned as many corners as I can and I don't feel all that tired at all. The body of a puppet, huh.

I knew deep down, that I wanted to be friends with that human.

If I was also human, or maybe if I act like a human, could I be with other humans?

I want to be human, too. I want to be able to experience valid emotions and have a heart.

If she created me to hold the gnosis.. is that my heart?

The gnosis.. is my heart?

I must have it. Then only can I have a heart and feel human emotions.

I wandered around Inazuma, hoping not to bump into the man from earlier. I don't sleep. I do not need to.

I was walking when I saw a sparkle in a dark alleyway.

I walked closer, step by step carefully.

It was the charming man from yesterday. How unfortunate, are they homeless?

I suppose I am homeless too now.

I should leave, I don't want him to see me staring at him in his sleep.

Let this be my last time seeing you, Y/n.

Two Obsessions / Dom/M!Reader x Kunikuzushi/ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now