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(I'm feeling a different kind of goofy.. but I'm still feeling goofy Soo.. 😏)

Y/n POV:

Kuni.. wasn't human?

Whatever, it's not like he's not Kuni anymore. He's still my Kuni.

He was crying, it was like my heart got pierced. Luckily, he stopped crying just now.

I fed him spoon by spoons of porridge, I made it myself. Sure, I hadn't really known how to make porridge, but I searched it up on the system.

That's right, the system had a Google search thing! It was on the last page of RP exchange.

There were three pages, the first being RP exchange, the second being Teyvat knowledge and theories, and the third being a search.

The second page.. contained a lot of YouTube videos, theories about Teyvat, for example. The Tsaritsa's rebellion against divinity..

The traveler.. Khaenri'ah.. the abyss twin.

I've learned a lot by watching those videos.

Including.. the world I'm in is a video game. No one is real except for me.

Am I real?


Back to the main point. "Kuni~ open your mouth." He did as I told, and obediently ate the last spoonful of porridge.

I patted his head, hoping to bring some ease to him. "Good job, Kuni."

He nods quietly, his eyes still red and puffy from crying. I sat up, about to walk to the kitchen to set the bowl down until Kuni grabbed my wrist.

"Don't leave.." His voice was so.. heavenly. Nono, now was not the time. "I'm not leaving."

"Liar." He was so cute~ nono, I mustn't be hypnotized by him. "Okay, okay. I'm going to the kitchen. I'll be back in a second." I gave him a small kiss, and he reluctantly let go of my wrist.

I set the bowl down on the sink, and filled it up with water.

I went back to Kuni in no time, showering him with kisses. "You're so cute, Kuni." His red face always makes me want to fuck him.

"Let's get you a bath, should we?" Up until now, I hadn't noticed his body.

It was full of bite marks and hickeys. By me. My honor~

His bottom half.. was even more sexy. It was covered in sticky white liquids, some dripping out of him.

Everything about him makes me want to fuck him harder and fill him up with my cum. But now wasn't the time.

I lifted Kuni up in bridal style, and set him in the bathtub. I turned the water on after making sure it was warm.

He seemed nervous. "Kuni, don't be nervous~ I'm just helping you clean your body! Plus, it's not like there's any part of you I haven't seen." His face flushed red again as I felt myself smile.

Well, might as well take a bath too. I took off my clothes, and got in the bathtub with him. "Don't mind if I join." He nods.

Once the bathtub was full, I began washing him. Of course, that meant thoroughly washing him clean of the white sticky stuff~

He was in between my legs, curled into a ball. My hands start uncontrollably going down to his dick.

He was startled, and looks back at me flushed. "Don't worry, I'm just cleaning you." It was true, but not really.

I kind of used the worst way to clean it off..

I jerked him off. He was trembling, trying to not make any sound. Our bodies were touching, and I kept whispering in his ears.

It was all in my plan~

Well, then I started actually cleaning him. He ket out a sigh of relief when I stopped touching his dick.

That didn't last forever, because stuff was still dripping out his ass.

I insert a finger into him, making him gasp and struggle in the water. He was so adorable!

I twisted my finger around, cleaning out any liquid. I ignored all of his pleads. "A-ah.. please, d-don't.."

At that point, I already knew where his prostate was. So I decided to lightly brush over it. His body started trembling even harder, "Please.. j-just fuck me if you want.."

It wasn't me, it was him. He asked me politely! How could I reject him?~

Two Obsessions / Dom/M!Reader x Kunikuzushi/ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now