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(Imagine not getting C1 Ayaya bro 🤯🤯🤯 Btw I now have Xiao, HuTao, Cyno, Shenhe, Yelan, and Ayaka's weapon x2😔 Shenhe's weapon was an accident while pulling for Ayaka's weapon, but since I got it anyways I just thought it'd be a waste if I didn't get Shenhe.

Btw imagine not having 2 Scarlet Sands and 2 Ayaya's weapon 🤯🤯)

Y/n POV:

Another day, another Kuni simping time. Everyday at 5am, I would wake up and go to my secret place.

My secret place is basically just.. the small house we had before. Well, it's not a house anymore. I had taken many pictures of Kuni using the Kamera, Kuni didn't know of course.

I printed them out, and put them on the wall of the cabin. The walls were filled with Kuni pictures, cute ones, cute ones, cute ones, adorable ones, and.. sexy ones.

Well, I've caught Kuni masterbating a few times. It would always be when I went on a long term vacation, he would grab and ride a vibrator and pretend it was me.

Of course, he never knew that. So, I took a few hundred pictures of that, and hung it on the wall. I admire the pictures everyday, and clean the cabin three times a day.

I return three hours later at 8AM, right before Kuni woke up to either make breakfast or continue laying down with him in the cozy bed.

Before leaving, I'd clean once. Every single picture must be dusted and cleaned, with about 42069 pictures in total of Kuni.

It's actually not that much, I mean we have indeed been here since five centuries ago.


"Good morning, Kuni~" He yawns and clings closer to me, mumbling 'good morning.' I just wished I could take a picture of this!!

"Wakey wakey~ Her Majesty the Tsaritsa has called for us today." I said. Kuni just groans, "Why today? My ass still hurts.."

I chuckled at his cuteness, maybe I was a little too rough on him.. "If you'd like, I can always go alone. Breakfast is ready on the table."

"No, I'll go with you." He opens his eyes, and rubs them to get rid of the blurriness. He sits up, and yawns again. I wrap my arms around his waist, and rests my chin on his shoulder.

"Kuni, today is cold." Ever since our vacation ended in Inazuma, and we had to moved back to Snezhnaya a few days ago, Kuni has been complaining about the coldness.

He sighs, "Since when is it not cold?" Good thing I've previously installed 10 heaters in our new home, so at least Kuni wouldn't get cold in our home.

He got out of bed, and stretched his limps before walking slowly and sleepily to the bathroom.

Meanwhile, I sat at the table and waited for him to finish. Once he finished, I patted my lap as a signal for him to sit on my lap.

His face turns red almost instantly, he walks slowly towards me, and slowly sits on my lap. He moves around to get comfortable, and he could probably feel the bulge in my pants.

His ears were red, and his arm trembled as he tried to eat using his chopsticks without moving against my crotch.

"You're doing great, Kuni, keep it up." I praised, of course I didn't like him doing 'great', I wanted him to mess up so that I could..

Once breakfast was finished, he immediately got off of me and breathed heavily. I sighed, and smiled.

I got up, and out the plates in the sink. We put on our harbinger coats, and left to go see her Majesty.


"Your Majesty, you have requested to see us?" We both said at the same time, getting down on one knee and putting our right hand on our chests in respect.

"Yes, my harbingers." The archon said, every word she says gives me chills, but she acts so motherly I actually don't mind it.

"I trust you both know, that we are in control of two gnosis'. Your eighth sister has done very well." She said.

"Be kind to your eleventh brother, he's just a baby." She laughs shortly, me and Kuni shared a look of 'No way.'

"I want my sixth harbingers to retrieve the electro gnosis for me, do you accept this mission?" We responded in unison. "Yes, your Majesty the Tsaritsa."



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I MAY HAVE WHALED BUT AT LEAST I GOT DOUBLE FIVE STARS AAAAAAA Btw now I have 2 of Mistsplitter Reforged, 2 of Shenhe's Calamity weapon, and 2 of Skyward blade 🤯🤯

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I MAY HAVE WHALED BUT AT LEAST I GOT DOUBLE FIVE STARS AAAAAAA Btw now I have 2 of Mistsplitter Reforged, 2 of Shenhe's Calamity weapon, and 2 of Skyward blade 🤯🤯

I swear I can't delay this chapter anymore I finished this chapter yesterday)

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