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(Look at this goddamn picture and tell me you want to fuck him because I want to too 🥳)


"What's your name again?" The soldier asked, leading Y/n to the orphanage opened by the Tenryou commission.

"M-my name is Y/n!" Y/n said, looking around in curiosity. "Last name?" "L/n.."

"Well, since your parents are dead, your new last name will be Hyai." Y/n didn't understand why. "W-why? I like my last name!"

"It's the name of the orphanage, child." Y/n wanted to keep his last name, but didn't speak up.

"This will be your new home." The soldier said, leaving Y/n at the entrance of the orphanage. "Farewell." Then he left.

Y/n walked inside the small orphanage, greeted by a lady. "Hello! Are you Y/n?" Y/n nodded. "Welcome to the Hyai orphanage! I'm sure you'll have a great time!"

Y/n smiled at the nice lady, a true smile.


The following week, Y/n was treated very nicely. He got decent food, provided by the Tenryou commission, a way-too-early bedtime, (9PM) but Y/n couldn't make any friends.

"U-um, hello! My name is Y/n, can we be friends?" Y/n asked, following the instructions the lady gave him. "Okay."

"Siogmabaz! Why did you say 'okay'?" The other boy asked, while 'Siogmabaz' shushes him. "Miss Candesnoz told us to be friendly!"

Y/n smiled, realizing the other didn't want to be friends with him. "I-its okay, I can go find other friends." And so, he left.

"Hello! My name is Y/n, can we be friends?" Over time, Y/n has become very fluent in the common introduction to making friends.

Greet them, smile, introduce yourself a ask to be friends.

Y/n got tired. Either one of twins didn't like him, stuttering then leaving, ignoring him, didn't give him an answer, or suddenly crying.

Y/n hated this.

At least the lady, miss Candesnoz, who was from Fontaine, said that she would be his friend. Y/n liked her very much. She has silky brown hair, always in a bun. Her eyes were blue, a very light blue.

After some time, she allowed Y/n to call her by her first name, 'Forlie'.


Most importantly... Aether came to visit him!

"Y/n, somebody is here to visit you!" Forlie said, smiling. Y/n ran to the visiting area, seeing Aether sitting on the ground. Clearly he couldn't fit in the children's chairs.

"Aether!" Y/n shouted happily, running up to him. Aether opened his arms, and gave Y/n a hug. "Hi, Y/n."

"You came!" Y/n said, his bright e/c eyes shining brightly from excitement.

"How is it here?" Aether was clearly fond of the small child, rubbing his head and flicking his forehead at times. "It's great! Miss Forlie is very nice to me!"

Aether smiled, and lifted Y/n into his lap. "That's good. If anyone is being mean to you, you should tell an adult." He said, brushing Y/n's hair with a comb he got from nowhere.

"Okay!" Y/n agreed happily, sitting still sleepily in Aether lap while Aether brushes his hair. "Are you sleepy? I'll read you a bedtime story."

Y/n's head jerked up, nobody had read him a bedtime story ever since his parents died. "Okay! I want the Dragon N
And The Warrior!"

'the Dragon And The Warrior' was a common folks tale, written years ago which eventually became a bedtime story for little kids. It was very popular, and ended up being Y/n's favorite.

"Alright." He smiled, and set Y/n in the purple children's chair. He approached miss Forlie, and she nodded her head before leaving.

A minute later, she came back with a book. It was the Dragon And The Warrior!

Aether smiled, took the book, and came back to Y/n. "I got the book."

"Horray! You're the best!" Y/n said, jumping up from his seat and running circles around Aether until he was too tired to continue running.

Aether laughed, and lifted Y/n up. He sat down on the ground, leaning against the wall and set Y/n on his lap as he began to read the story.

"Once upon a time, there was a god named Kelly, and she blessed a young boy named Kismaknotz, allowing him to grow up to be the best warrior of all times. One day-" He told the story, and little Y/n fell asleep soon.

(Ignore the names idk how to name people so just why not make them kinda funky? 😭 Anyways the only sane name is Kelly because that's my sister's name 😘😘)

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