#Some update 😭😭

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Bro the way I found out someone (me) spent 3K on my mom's account was by my sister, bc I was in the shower.

I think she's not going to talk to me about it, so now personally I'm forever in debt to my mom and hopefully she never ever talks to me about it

If I have to I will tell her the truth but in some way I'll have to make sm money but I'm younger than 15-16 so I can't in any way get a job.

But I am Asian, and I get like 200-400$ for every new years, so I guess hopefully I never ever forget about this sin that I've done and pay her back soon in.. a few years 😭💀

Thanks for all advice on the last update, if she asks me about it and I have no way of lying my way through it I will tell her. Tbh I think I'd better not even try to lie..

My dad is on vacation for a month so hopefully she doesn't tell him, and by the end of next month hopefully she forgets about the matter.

I'll need some way to remind myself of my sin tho 😭😭

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