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(Ofc the 'romance' is just.. being sus 😏)


Y/n POV:

Gosh, he was so sexy.

Once he tripped on top of me, I couldn't resist. I knew I liked him. Who knew, we would be having sex right now?

Two of my fingers were in him, he was so cute, clenching around my fingers making him even more tight. I wonder how that would feel if it was my dick..

With my fingers in him, I stretched him out as much as possible and started pushing around looking for his prostate. Once he let out a loud moan, I know I probably just touched his prostate.

Well~ Lucky for him, I'm kind. So.. I think I should tease him. "Kuni.. You are so sensitive~ Have you.. ever done this with anyone else before?"

Just thinking of someone else touching my Kuni makes my blood boil.

He seemed to panic, struggling to form words from all the pleasure. "Ah- No- never- ah, done this with anyone.. ah! but- Y/n!~" The way he said my name, so damn sexy.

His wrists were roped together, my left hand pinning them above him. His face was red with tears threatening to come out of his puffy eyes, don't even get me started on his small yet sexy body..

His small body was trembling as I continued to massage his prostate. "Y/n- I'm gonna, hah, ah!" His moans were like music, but from heaven.

Just before he could cum, I pulled my fingers out. The cold air immediately rushed in, causing him to whine and throw a tantrum. "Please~ I want to cum~"

He starts struggling against the ropes, not liking how he didn't get to cum. "Patient now, my dear." He nods weakly, looking at me with hope and lust.

I licked my fingers, liking how he tasted. Seeing that, Kuni's face was red again as he looked away.

I put the same two fingers in his mouth, "Suck." he obediently sucked, tasting himself.

"If it hurts, bite. Draw blood." He nods, coating my fingers with his saliva.

I lined myself up with him, and slowly pushed my 11inch cock into him. He bit down hard on my fingers. It was only the tip, but he already felt so full.

I slowly started pushing in more, it was halfway in. Kuni was trembling, how cute.

I stopped halfway to let him adjust, and surprisingly he wrapped his legs around my waist and urged me to push it in more.

His back arched when I slammed my entire length into him, biting down so hard it left marks for weeks. I pulled my fingers out of his mouth once he adjusted. Saliva was dripping down his mouth as he trembled.

"T-too deep, too much.. aaah.." I caressed his cheek, which he leaned into my warm hand. "Y/n~" His voice was still so heavenly..

I started thrusting at a slow pace, he still moaned very loudly.

"Ah! mm~ Ngh~ hahh.." I slowly increase my speed, hitting every spot inside of him, including his just-toyed-with prostate. Because of my fingers earlier, his prostate was very sensitive.

It might just get overstimulated, who knows?

"Ah! ah..~ ngh.. Ah!~ r-right there~ Please.." I've found his prostate again, and I start abusing that spot. He screams as his prostate gets pounded.

He was so needy and sexy.. who wouldn't love him? I'm lucky I found him first~

Suddenly, he stops producing music noises. He bits down on his lips, as if holding on for dear life. He refuses to let me hear him. Well, I'll have to show him who's boss here.

I thrust faster and harder, ramming into his prostate, wrecking him. He lets out a couple muffled moans, then he just couldn't anymore. Who cares if somebody heard him?

"Mm! Ugh~ Ah! ngh.. aaah.. I-I'm gonna- cum~" He says, feeling the pleasure taking over him. He wanted to cum so bad.

I stopped moving. "Hun, you didn't really think I would let you, did you?" He whined and kicked his legs, seeing him angry was so adorable~

I repeated the process, fucking him until he was a sobbing mess, then stop when he would cum. Once his cum died down, I would fuck him again.

I was edging him for hours. "Please!~ Let me cum, Y/n, please..~" He begged, struggling to break free from his rope boundaries. "If you cum, you can't stop until I say so. Are you sure?"

"Y-yes! Please, I just want to cum so bad! Please!" He fell perfectly into my trap.

Two Obsessions / Dom/M!Reader x Kunikuzushi/ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now