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(Mkay so basically Y/n threw some STUFF on the roof SOMEHOW, then it COINCIDENTALLY fell down and HIT his father's head so he died but Idk how to describe that soo...👁️👄👁️🤪)

"Papa?" Y/n asked, seeing his father slowly slump to the ground. He looked out the window, seeing his father lying on the ground motionless like his mother. "P-papa!"

"I'm sorry, papa, I should've never done this, I'm sorry!" He said, climbing out of the window and shaking his father's corpse.

At this time, everybody was asleep, but there just had to be someone walking around and coincidentally saw the scene. "Hey, what happened?"

"M-my papa and mommy, their not moving!" He said, rising from his spot and clinging into the strangers leg.

"Their not moving? Oh my gosh," the man said, checking Y/n's father pulse. "He's dead.. hey, where's your mother?" Y/n led the doctor inside, and the doctor held back the urge to throw up when he saw the beheaded women.

"Gosh, a kid shouldn't see this.." The stranger said in a low tone, covering Y/n's eyes. "W-will mommy be okay?"

"I'm sorry, but their dead." The man said, feeling pity for the kid. "D-dead?! But mommy said that she would take me on a walk to the candy store after-"

He hugged the orphan, sighing as he lifted him up and went outside the house. "I'm sorry, child. What's your name?"

"Y-y/n.." Y/n managed to say, not struggling in the strangers arms. The stranger sighed again, and introduced himself. "My name is Aether."

"Are you not from here?" Y/n asked, holding tighter onto Aether clothes. He hadn't seen anyone with hat name around. "Yeah, I'm a Traveler." The man says kindly, looking around.

"W-where are we going..?" Y/n asked, looking up at Aether chin. "Somewhere safer."

Where was 'somewhere safer'? Y/n didn't know, but he trusted his new friend. "Do you have any relatives nearby?" Aether asked, looking down at the boy. "No.."

"Then the Tenryou commission should be good," Aether mumbled to himself, "but you'll need a place to stay for the night."

The new friend sighed, "You can stay with me." "R-really? But I don't even know who you are.." Aether laughed a little, "Didn't I introduce myself and tell you my name? I'm Aether. I'll be your guardian for now."

Little Y/n was inspired, and nodded. "Okay!"

(Bros parents just died in front of his eyes and look at how happy he is 💀)

-(Aether has a house somewhere somehow someway Idk)-

Morning soon came, and Aether took Y/n out for breakfast. "Alright, little guy, what would you like for breakfast?"

"Food." Y/n said, remembering how his father used to respond to his mother sarcastically after a huge fight. "..I swear this kid is being difficult." Aether said to himself, slapping himself on the forehead.

"Dango it is." Y/n loved sweets, so he got excited. "Yay! Dango!"


"Now, let's go to the Tenryou commission." Y/n has heard a thing or two about the Tenryou commission, he heard it arrests bad people.

"W-why? I'm not a bad person! Don't take me to the Ten-year-you-comp-miss-on!" Y/n said, not fully pronouncing it correct.

Aether bursted out laughing, "Ten-year-you?!" He laughed, tears coming from his eyes, while Y/n dies of humiliation. "T-ten-er-yo?" Y/n tried again, um..

"Close. Tenryou." Aether said, Y/n still not understanding. "Ten-old?" Aether let out a small giggle, "Not quite. You'll get it as you grow up."

Y/n felt sad, he wanted to grow up and be able to pronounce Ten-year-you-comp-miss-on. (💀)

"This boy, Y/n, his parents are dead. He doesn't have a guardian around, so I'll give him to you guys." Aether said to the soldier, Y/n picking leaves off a tree.

"I'll need to inform our leader." Aether nods, and takes Y/n's hand. "You'll be staying with them, they'll protect you."

"Are you going to be there?" Y/n asked, tugging on Aether sleeves. "Well, no. I'm a Traveler." The energy around Y/n immediately fell gloomy.

"Waaahh!" Y/n hugged Aethers leg, crying his eyes out. "H-hey! Don't crying, let go!" Aether swung his leg, but eventually gave up. "Sigh, I'll visit you frequently."

"You promise?" "I promise. I'll-" Their conversation was interrupted by the soldier who came back. "Our leader has given permission, we will take this child." Aether nodded again.

Y/n took the hand of the soldier, looking back at Aether the whole time. Aether waved to him, and smiled sadly. Y/n waved back, not knowing this was going to be the worst day of his life.

(Y'all ever just ask your mom for help with homework then they start insulting you? 💀)

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