10: THE 'DEED' BRO..

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(Ahaha, I'm still in a goofy mood, lemme continue writing sussy. 😍🤪)

WARNING SMUT AND SUSSY / Gotta get that 'romance' somehow

Kunikuzushi/Scaramouche POV:

Y/n kissed me. On the lips. It felt.. great. Like my soul finally found it's other half.

He slipped his tongue in and I gasped, his tongue exploring around my mouth as his hands roamed my body.

I couldn't help but let out a few moans. It just felt so good and right.. what do they call this emotion?

The kiss lasted for a few minutes, until he broke it off. I was gasping for air, but I didn't want him to stop. He was panting, too.

"Kuni, you're so dreamy." He complimented as his lips touched my neck. He starts giving me hickeys.

I bit my lip to not let out any sounds, but soon enough I just couldn't hold it anymore.

I moaned softly as he sucked and bit my neck. Why did it feel so good?

"A-ah.. Y/n.. ngh~" He licked the marks he just bit. "You taste good, Kuni." I blush redder, feeling embarrassed. "Say my name. Again." He was demanding.. it was so attractive.

"Y-y/n~" I didn't want to sound like that, but his kisses and bites on my neck made me sound like that.

"Gosh, you're so sexy." He said before kissing me on the lips again. This time, it lasted longer, his tongue slipped in again, and explored. Touching every part of my mouth, making me moan.

His hands started to slip into my robes. I let out a gasp, but he quickly shuts me up using the kiss.

His hands reach down to my.. it felt so good. He was playing around with it, it felt so good..

When he finally broke the kiss, I bit my lips to keep the sounds in. He started stroking it, making me tremble and moan.

"Kuni, let me hear you." He would say, flashing his charming smile. I agreed.

"Hah.. ngh.. a-ah!" I moaned out. Clenching his shoulders tightly, pulling him towards me.

"F-faster..~" He listened to whatever I said, turning me on even more.

"Ngh!~ I'm gonna- ah!" Just when I was about to come, his hand slipped away. I whined, tugging his shirt, begging him to continue.

"P-please, Y/n, let me come, please," I begged, hoping he would agree. "Hm~ no." My eyes widened, my body hot.

"Please.. Y/n.." I begged, tugging his shirt lightly. I was practically humping on him, pleading him to make me feel good.

"You're so sexy and adorable.. you know I can't resist." In a flash, he picked me up, and said something I couldn't hear. Something about.. 'system'.

Then, he told me to close my eyes. And so I did. When I opened them, I saw a wooden cabin with a bed.

I was confused, but I couldn't bother worrying about that. He threw me on the bed, and started taking his clothes off.

His body was so dreamy... I want it pressed against mine while he's inside of me..

Unconsciously, my robes start slipping off too. Revealing my smooth shoulders.

He was completely naked, and he starts taking off my clothes, too. "Kuni, do you want me?" "Yes! Yes, please, want you inside of me, please.."

"Needy, I see." He says, throwing my robes on the floor. My body completely exposed to him, he stares at me with lust.

Well, it's not like I wasn't staring at him with lust.

He climbs above me, tying my wrists together with a rope he got from nowhere. I struggled, but he pinned my hands above my head, it was so hot.

Then, he pushed my thighs up to my chest, and his finger slipped across my anus. I shiver at his touch, and beg him to slip his fingers inside of me.

He slips his index finger in, causing me to moan loud. I bit my lip, keeping myself from moaning at the pleasure.

He thrusts his finger in and out, and adds another finger soon after. It was taking everything I had not to moan and come right there.

He stretches me out, and pushes my insides. It all felt so good.

And soon enough, he hits a spot I couldn't resist not moaning from. As if noticing that, he starts pushing and massaging that one spot, causing me to gasp and moan loudly.

Two Obsessions / Dom/M!Reader x Kunikuzushi/ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now