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(Btw, C/n = Code name!)

Y/n POV:

Kuni in a maiden outfit? Sounds like a dream. "Pleaseee? Just one time!" I held it before him, measuring his size and the outfit.

"I'm not wearing that, Y/n." He says, his ears are red and he turned around. "Kuni, honey, please? I promise it's just for a few minutes." I try to persuade him, but he doesn't budge.

"No." If he's going to be like this, I have one more solution.. I walk up to him, and wrap my arms around his figure. I kiss his neck, and nibble on his earlobe. "My love, please wear it."

I can feel his fists ball up, and he struggles against my hold. Luckily, I hold him still. "Sweetheart, you'll wear it, right?" My hands slip downwards, and he flinches. "No, I'm not."

I drop everything. "Aw.. alright." I let go of him, and I can see he's surprised. He's totally going to wear it later, I just have to make him believe I'm out then I'll come back and he will..

"Well, better keep it here." I fold the maiden dress nicely, and set it in our walk in closet. "Anyways, Kuni, I'll be gone. Take care." I kiss his lips gently, and he nods. He hasn't spoken a word yet, strange.

I hold his hand, and he escorts me to the door. "Goodbye kiss?" He grabs my collar, and I lean down willingly. He kissed my cheek, then rushes back to he room.

How cute! I wish I could stay with him.. but I go back to my office. Maybe it's the motivation to see Kuni in a maiden dress, but I finished my paperwork rather quickly.

I was heading back, until I saw a certain ginger. "Oh, hey! You're C/n, right?! I'm the new harbinger, Tartaglia! Code name Childe!" So he is the new eleventh harbinger, he's energetic.

"Well, nice to meet you, Childe. I trust that you'll do great in the future. Now, if you excuse me." I just wanted to see my Kuni in a maiden dress, please. "Wait! I heard that there's two harbingers who're both the sixth, where's the other one?"

He is so fucking an- troublesome, I would say. "He's resting in our home." He follows me, does he have no manners at all? "I heard you both were married! So you're.. gay?" "Got a problem?"

"No, of course not! I wish I would meet my other half soon.." He says, his energy drained somehow in an instance. "You'll find them soon." "Really? I've recently heard that La Signora the eighth was going to get the Geo Gnosis in Liyue, I plan to get it before her. Maybe I'll meet my other half there?"

I've heard about Signora, me and Kuni don't associate with her. "Best of luck." "So, how did your marriage go? I'm curious!" Ah.. our marriage?! It was wonderful- "Well, the day I proposed to Kuni was the best day of my life! He was so cute when he said yes! We got married on January third, his birthday! Although we didn't have many people come to our wedding, it was still the best! The wedding was held in (Idk you choose), Kuni picked it himself! The wedding ring was made with-"


"That's so cool! What was the cake like?" The cake.. I remembered it was.. "The cake was three stories, it was indigo blue just like Kuni's hair! I personally drew a small figure of Kuni on it with black cake icing and his reaction was the best! Nowadays, I make him the same exact cake when it's his birthday or any other holiday. He was so cute when he still had long hair! His hair was smooth and silky, it's sad he cut it. You won't believe-"


"That sounds so romantic! Is this 'Kuni' the Balladeer? You've said so much and I haven't heard you mention the Balladeer or... what was it? Scaramouche?" Oh shit, I said Kuni, well- "I guess, Kunikuzushi was his old name, but his new name is Scaramouche. I still call him Kuni, though."

"If you ever, tell him or anyone that I told you his old name, you and me are both dead." I always have a knife in my pocket just in case, I held it to his throat. "Okay, okay! Geez, protective much." I hadn't realized, but it was quite late. I should go back to Kuni.

"Well, fun talking to you, Tartaglia. I gotta go back to see my Kuni in a maiden dress now~" He sticks his tongue out, "Don't do weird couple things!" He yells as I walk back to my home. "Yeah, whatever!"

Just as I was walking, I bumped into someone. "Ugh, who the fuck-" I curse out loud, but then I realized.. It was Kuni. "Y/n. Do you realize, how late it is?" Oh, if his glare could kill.. I guess I'd be dead. I also can't see Kuni in a maiden dress anymore.. aw..

(Early update! 😘 Currently dying in art class, I hate everything. I have to draw this cutie kitten then redraw it onto a thing then I have to carve stuff then make a stamp thingy 😃🥳)

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