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(I seriously don't know how to write Fatui stuff so let's just say this is 10 years after they joined the Fatui :D)


Kunikuzushi/Scaramouche POV:       

The last 10 years have been.. memorable. Me and Y/n have been on hundreds of missions, and our life is pretty wealthy.

I was now known as Scaramouche while Y/n was known as C/n. (Code name)

Today, Y/n wanted to talk to me.

"Y/n?" I opened the door to our bedroom, seeing Y/n sitting on the couch with a teacup in hand. "Have a seat, dear."

I sat down next to him, kind of nervous. I adjusted my hat, and asked: "What is it?" Y/n sets the teacup down, and looks dead serious.

"Kuni. You know I'm human, right?" Why was he talking about being human? Did he.. want to abandon me because I'm a puppet?! "..Y/n, do you mean you want to abandon me like the others just because I'm not human?"

"Of course not, Kuni. You're all I've ever dreamed of." He said, showing that innocent smile. Yet everytime he showed that smile, something was wrong.

"Then.. what?" What was wrong? Something about being human..

"Kuni, I will die. I'm human." Death? "No, you won't."

"It's reality.. Kunikuzushi." He.. called me by my full name? "You.. won't die, will you? I'll protect you. Nobody can lay a hand on you!"

"Humans die easily of many things, dear. Even if nothing happens to them, they will die of old age." He.. seems serious. He'll leave me?

"You, can live for centuries while I cannot." He continues, I don't want to hear this. "I will die, Kuni."

"Can you.. not die? Don't leave me alone..." I felt my eyes water, how embarrassing. I looked down, clenching onto my clothes.

"Of course. I'm only talking to you about this because I know a way to live as long as you, darling." His hands find their way to mine, and our hands interlock.

"..really? You won't leave me?" I look into his eyes, looking for any traces of lying. "I won't leave you, Kuni. Unless you want me gone."

"No, I don't want you gone. Stay with me." I said, I sounded so desperate, it was pathetic.

"Kuni, I won't ever leave you. I love you too much." He said, kissing my cheek and getting rid of the tears that unconsciously rolled down my face.

"I love you too." He won't leave me. He loves me.

"Do you want me to live, Kunikuzushi?" I feel weird. I don't like him calling me by my full name. "Yes, I want you to live. Don't you dare die."

He laughed, "Aw, my Kuni is getting aggressive these years~ I thought you learned your lesson last night?" That was it. I completely forgot about the other matter.

"I-i did!" I said, hiding my flushed face using my hat. "Kuni, I don't care if you act like a brat to me. I'll just teach you a lesson, on the bed." I bit my lip, "..okay."

"That's my Kuni~" he said, kissing the back of my hand. "Although I still need to teach you a lesson." I instantly got excited, although I'd never admit it.

"I can see you're excited~ We don't have any missions tomorrow, honey." He slowly gets up and drags me to the bed.

I lay down on the bed, my back pressing against the bed. I licked my lips as he climbed above me. Suddenly, he grabbed a thing from the drawer.

About nine years ago, he somehow got his hands on a thing that vibrates. He calls it a 'vibrator'. He would use it on me, it worked really well. Just a bit too well.. I almost passed out from how good it felt.

I instantly got more excited, my body feeling hot. I strip away my clothes, and I roll over so that he could see my ass.

He smiles, "Kuni, even a dumbass could see how excited you are." He slowly starts pushing the vibrator into me, and I grip onto the bedsheets. Once it's fully in, I can even feel myself trembling.

He starts thrusting it in and out, increasing the speed slowly. I moaned at every movement, loving it. He thrusts it deep, and turns the vibrations on.

It vibrates against my prostate, and I moan loudly. He slowly changes the vibrating level, turning it down to tease me or turning it all the way up to make me scream.

It was going to be a long day.

Two Obsessions / Dom/M!Reader x Kunikuzushi/ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now