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(No because how tf did I get Primordial Jade while pulling for R2 Staff Of Homa since I got C1 Hu Tao recently💀💀)

Y/n POV:

It was so cute how he was jealous~ he asked for affection, I fucked him.

"Wakey wakey, Kuni~" I said, kissing his forehead as I slightly patted his head. "Mm.." His arms around me loosened, and then tightened again.

"We can rest today, if you'd like." I rubbed my hand against his smooth, sexy back. He nods, and went back to sleep.

I silently got out of bed, careful not to wake him up. I got changed, and went to our office.

I did about 1/6 of the paperwork, then I went back to check on Kuni. Has he eaten breakfast yet? Has he woken up? Has he been worried about me?

I opened the door to our home, and it seems like he was still sleeping. Yesterday did drain him out. I went to the kitchen, and cooked breakfast for him.

I set the plates on the table, and covered them with plastic wrap so no insects could get to it. I left a note, too.

I kissed his forehead, then went back to my office.

I did the boring paperworks until I was too bored, and decided to go back and check on Kuni. I went back, only to see him hugging a big plush sulking on the bed.

"Kuni? Have you eaten breakfast?" I asked, looking at the untouched food. "Oh look, someone decided to come back." He was obviously being sarcastic.

"Kuni, don't give me that attitude. What's wrong?" I sat down on the bed, caressing his hair. "Don't pretend! You left me here!"

"...Hun, I left to do the paperworks." "You don't have to do it alone, I couldn't done it with you." He pouts, burying his face into the plush.

He was too cute!!

"Aw, Kuni~" I hugged him tight, smiling like an idiot. "H-hey, let go of me! You bastard, let go!" He gives me amal punches, but I continue hugging him tightly.

"Although that was pretty cute, you have to eat breakfast!" I say, carrying him out of bed and to the dining table. "You're talking as if you ate breakfast." Well, it was true, I hadn't eaten breakfast but I wasn't hungry, okay?

"What're you talking about? Of course I had breakfast! Now stop being such a cutie pie and eat breakfast." I unwrapped everything, and watched him eat while pouting frequently.

He sometimes held some food besides my mouth, and I ate it. As long as Kuni was the one who gave it to me, I would eat it even if it was poisonous.

I smiled as he finished, and I took the plates to the sink. Personal maids would come and wash them later. "Kuni~ you're so adorable! A grumpy little cutie~" I said, pinching his cheeks.

"..don't call me that, you jerk." He pouts, and crosses his arms. "Alright, princess." "Don't call me that either!"

"Okay, okay! I've got to go, my sunshine."
He was about to respond with another insult, but then paused. "Go where?"

"Paperwork has to be done today, love. There's also a new mission to-" He gets up and wraps his arms around me. "I'm going, too. You're not leaving me!"

He was just so persistent.. "Kuni,you can rest today! You can have a relaxing day at home, our home." He doesn't hesitate, "while you're off doing some boring shit? Hell no!"

Aw, did he miss me? "Kuni, no swearing! You know what happens." What happens is I fuck him. Curiosity kills the cat, huh. "I'm not a kid, geez."

"Well, you are acting like one." I smile brightly, patting his head gently as I land kisses on his face. "Ugh, I'm not childish.."

I gave him one last kiss on the lips before walking to the door. "Well then, bye sunshine!"

"Wait, I'm coming, too!" He runs after me, but I close the door in his face and locks it. I took both of the keys. "No can do, sweetheart. Love you, bye!"

I can still hear his complaints and angry sounds while walking back to the office, how cute!

He might get lonely, I should get him a pet. A fox, perhaps. "Hey, you." I call to a random Fatui agents, they seemed like they're about to shut their pants.

"Y-yes..?" "Get Scaramouche a pet fox." He immediately nods, then looks confused. "In two minutes, or off goes your head." He scrambles away to find a fox.

"Tell Scaramouche to not be a grumpy and lonely child!" I yell after him, I see him nod, then I went back to my paperwork.

(Yuh, thanks for 5K+ reads! 🔥🔥🥳)

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