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Y/n POV:

I woke up, still surrounded by darkness.

Was it still nighttime? How long did I sleep for?

My vision was blurry until I rubbed my eyes. It wasn't nighttime, I was just in the shadow of the alley.

I stood up, feeling like shit.

I yawned, and went around asking people if they needed any help.

Even I know how wrong my tone is, how could they not notice? It just seems that their happy to have someone help them.

At least by afternoon, I think I had at least 300RP. I think because that stupid system still isn't working.

I was chilling until I saw him near a food shop.

My eyes widened in surprise, and I ran up to him.

He must've heard the noise behind him, and turned around. I almost bumped into him.

"Hey, Kuni.. um, Kuni.." I couldn't properly remember his long ass name, but I remembered the first part.

"It's Kunikuzushi." He said, looking very confused on why I was still nagging him.

"Yes, Kuniku.. Kuni! Are you sure you don't want to be my friend?" I asked the same question, and that seemed to really bother Kuni.

"Please do not call me that.. and, I'm sorry, but I do not want to be your friend." He said, I was sweating of nervousness.

"Why not?!" I must've sounded devastated, because he seemed to rethink his choices.

"Sir, if I just ask, why do you want me to be your friend of all people..?" He said, making eye contact with me.

Truthfully, I didn't know why either. But, I know I have to be friends with him.

"Because... Your eyes are really pretty, your long hair is very smooth, so is your skin.. Your face is very cute, your always so elegant.." I went on and on, even the shop owner looked at me weirdly.

"...your voice is very charming, though I've never seen you smile, I believe it must be a godly sight-"

"S-stop right there- y-you-" He looked down again, I can see him covering his face with his small, cute, hands.

"Why are you saying all this?!" His face was so red that it must be burning.

His ears were also red, which he failed to hide.

"It's true, I was just trying to convince you into being my friend!" I argued back, pouting a little at how he interrupted my praises.

Nonetheless, he was still pretty cute to tease.

"So, will you be my friend?" I ask again, please don't say no this time, Kuni.

He seemed to be in deep thoughts, I knew he was probably gonna say no, but I still had a little hope..

"..okay." I smiled, and put my hand on his head.

His hair was very soft, smooth, shiny, and pretty..

"H-hey, we're not friends to that extend!" He said, trying to drag my hand off his head while holding a worried puppy face.

He was so cute and petite, aww.

"Well, you're my friend now! Me, Y/n, you, Kuni, friends forever!" I felt like I just achieved a lifelong goal just by becoming friends with him. Is that normal?

I don't think it's that normal to get a friend. Well, I've certainly lonely since Daniel, so maybe it's normal for me.

"It's Kunikuzushi. How many times do I have to remind you, sir?" He said, clearly annoyed that I had called him by a nickname.

"Well, if you want me to stop calling you Kuni, then how about you stop calling me 'sir', too?!" I said, putting my hands on my hips.

"Okay, Y/n. Now say my name, properly." Oh gosh, hearing him say my name is like a reward.. I feel alive again.

"Say it, please. Ku-ni-ku-zu-shi, it's not that hard." He said again, crossing his arms.

"Ok, ok. Kuni- ku- sushi?" He gasped for a moment before pouting again.

"How can you not pronounce a simple name?! You're not from here, are you?" He asked.

"Yeah, I come from a whole different place, hehe." I had to stifle a laughter, but I still have a small laugh.

It was true that I mispronounced his name on purpose to see his reaction, but it was totally worth it.

Two Obsessions / Dom/M!Reader x Kunikuzushi/ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now