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Kunikuzushi/Scaramouche POV:

"A-ah.. Y/n..!~ ngh.." His fingers were inside me while his arm kept me still.

His legs kept my legs wide open, so he could fuck me better. "Kuni, your moans are what keeps me alive."

"Ngh.. p-please, too much.. aaah.." His four fingers in me were stretching me out while teasing my prostate. It's totally overstimulated.

"You can take it, shh.." He said, pushing harder onto my prostate. I arched my back, saliva drooling out of my mouth. It just all felt so good and overwhelming..

I felt him kiss and suck on my neck, causing me to moan louder.

"It's.. ahh.. too much, t-too- ah!" I tried telling him how the pleasure was overwhelming, but that didn't work.

I mean.. was it too much? I wanted it so bad.. plus the immense pleasure..

"aaah.. please, ngh! D-don't stop.. ah..!" I completely gave in to him, loving how he made me feel so good.

"Giving up so soon? Don't come begging me to stop later, hun." He said, biting my neck and leaving another mark.

The way he would rub circles on my prostate would make me scream in ecstacy. "Ahhh.. d-don't stop..! aahh..!~"

"Kuni, you're so loud.. but I love it." His flirty words left me begging.

(I'm out of my silly goofy mood 🤪 Back to proper things!)

After... that, me and Y/n sat down on the bed. Y/n was playing with my hair while I rest in his arms.

It was peaceful.

"Kuni~ Your hair is so long.." He said, parting my hair into three sections. "Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

"Of course! Anything that comes out of my mouth about you is a compliment." He says, resting his chin on my shoulder. "..thank you, then."

He started making different hairstyles with my hair, calling me pretty in every single one of them.

We stayed like that until the sun started to rise. "Kuni, want to go watch the sunrise?" He asked, taking my hand in his. "Sure."

We walked out of the house, and he brought me to a cliff. He sat down, his legs dangling off the edge. I sat down besides him. "Kuni, I love you."

"I love you too, Y/n." I smiled, resting my head on his shoulder. We watched the sunrise quietly.

When it was noon, we went back. He held my hand, leading and guiding me. "Kuni, what do you want to do today?" He said, smiling lightly.

"You." I said instantly, as a joke. He tightened his grip on my hand, "..oh really?"

"..it was a joke, dumbass." I said, giggling. He sighed, did he take that for real? "Don't joke about that, Kuni."

"..I'm sorry." I was nervous, now. Why did I have to tell that joke? I'm so childish, I shouldn't be telling jokes like that. "Next time you say something like that, I might just 'accidentally' fuck you."

Okay, maybe I should tell some jokes.

I felt my face heat up, maybe steam was coming out of my ears from how hot I was burning. I looked down, nibbling on my bottom lip.

"So~ Kuni, what do you want to do today?" He repeated, I made sure to be honest this time. "Anything with you."

"Kuni, was that supposed to be a joke? Because if it was, I can totally fu-" "..it wasn't a joke." "..oh. Okay, then." What was he going to say?

"Haha.. you sure can flirt, Kuni." Was that a compliment..? He sounded like he was disappointed. "I'm sorry if I was wrong."

"No, you did nothing wrong. It's just me and my dirty mind." Dirty.. mind? Do you clean your mind with a wipe when you have a dirty mind?

We wandered around the city, and went on a shopping spree. We bought a lot of food, some clothes, and some house things.

Throughout this time, Y/n kept asking people if they needed help. Was this because he's kind? "Y/n, why do you keep helping them?"

"Um.. maybe they.. needed some help, and I just wanted to.. give them a hand!" He lied. He lied? Why would he lie to me..? Was I not worthy of knowing?

Once we went back to the cabin, he put everything in its place.

Then, we ate breakfast. We shared a meal, he fed me most of the time. "Say ah~" "..aaah.." why was he treating me like a child?

"Aww~ Kuni you're so adorable all the time!" He said, how many times had he called me 'cute', or 'adorable'?

Two Obsessions / Dom/M!Reader x Kunikuzushi/ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now