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(Kuni smexy and cute pic bc Kuni)


Y/n woke up to a new day, "Miss? Where's mister Aether?" "Your friend has gone back, Y/n. He left you this book."

She hands him 'the Dragon And The Warrior'. "Aww.. I hope mister Aether comes back soon!"

Just like that, Aether would come and visit nearly once a week, until his travels in Inazuma had ended.

"Y/n, my travels here have ended. I have to go soon." Y/n was crying, holding onto Aethers leg. "Don't leave me! You're my friend!"

"I'll come back and see you, when you are a nice young man." He says, tears visible in his eyes. "Promise you'll come back once I turn into a big boy?" Aether nods.

"Okay! Once I turn eighteen, you have to come and visit me!" Y/n said, letting up of Aethers leg. "Yeah. I'll be back eight years later."

Soon, Aether left the orphanage. He departed from Inazuma, heading towards Sumeru. Y/n cried very hard that night, reading 'the Warrior And The Dragon' to himself repeatedly.


Two years have passed since then, but Y/n never forgot about Aether. Y/n was now twelve, having just celebrated his birthday with miss Candesnoz.

(I can't with the name 💀 I mean I did decide it myself for humor purposes (Can deez nutz) but I'm changing it okay 😭 Let's say it's now 'miss Kabun' or sm)

However, today was not that glory.

While eating strawberries off of the cake, Y/n was approached by a mysterious man. "Hello, buddy. What's your name?"

Y/n was hesitant, but he didn't give up the chance to make some friends. "Y/n."

"Y/n, how did you end up in this orphanage?" The man asked, writing down something on the sheet of paper. Y/n assumed that he was another news reporter, going around asking kids how they lost their parents to write on the news report and guilt trip people into donating.

However, that money never actually goes to the orphanage. "My papa killed my mama." Y/n had grown to hate his father. "That's hard. How did your father die?"

Y/n stayed silent for a long time, stacking colorful blocks on top of one another. "I killed him." The man seemed to not believe him, but he wrote it down anyways.

"That's very sad. My name is Dr. A, and I'm a scientist. Recently, me and my group has developed a new serum to make people forget about bad memories. Would you like to try it?"

It seemed strange, and Y/n kept declining, but the scientist insisted. "It doesn't have any side effects!" Eventually, Y/n agreed.

What they didn't tell Y/n, was that he was their first experiment. The serum hadn't been tested, and about the 'no side effects' weren't confirmed.

That was what led Y/n to forget almost everything. He forgot about Aether, miss Kabun, his parents, everything before he was injected with the serum.

Some side effects such as brain damage also caused him to be so obsessive over things.


"Are you sure this doesn't have any side effects? I feel kind of heavy."

"They don't, you're just imagining things."

"My head hurts!-"

"Then lay down."


"Who're you?" Y/n asked the scientists, which caused them to freak out. "There are side effects!"

"What side effects? Where am I? Who are you guys?" Y/n continuously asked.

Suddenly, Dr. A walked up to him. "Listen, kid, your name is Y/n Hyai, you're twelve and your parents died from a tragic accident."

Y/n nodded slowly. He didn't remember anyone anyways, he doesn't have feelings for his parents. "You were with them, but you survived. We treated you, but you woke up with amnesia."

Y/n nodded, that explains everything.

"Since you have woken up, we will send you to your aunt. She will take care of you." Dr. A said, smiling. Lies, they were feeding Y/n total lies.


Y/n departed with no issue, earlier that day Dr. A had signed adoption papers to legally adopt Y/n in case anybody was wondering about his whereabouts.

Before leaving with Dr. A, miss Kanbun gave him 'the Dragon And The Warrior'.

Of course, Y/n didn't know that he was then adopted by Dr. A. He thought he was just leaving for a short while then he was going to be back. Well he was wrong.

(I showed my mom a picture in my gallery but she exited out of it and saw pictures in my gallery.. 💀 LOOK AT MY GALLERY)

Two Obsessions / Dom/M!Reader x Kunikuzushi/ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now