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(Switched to Chinese then I lost my 50/50 on Yelan's banner to Diluc. Proves that Chinese hates me 😭😭👊)

Kunikuzushi/Scaramouche POV:

Sharing.. a bottle of water?! Shameless!

Sharing a bottle water meant.. two mouths on the opening.. meaning.. meaning..

My face began to heat up as I thought about.. you know.

Just for clarification, I thought that humans wouldn't drink water during breakfast, since I've always seen them drink orange juice, or apple juice.

I guess I was a bit anxious, so I bought all kinds of juices for Y/n, but I had only bought one bottle of water. How careless of me! I should've done better. He's probably disappointed in me.

"No, you can have the water." I said, reaching into the bag to grab some orange juice.

I've noticed that many restaurants offer customers orange juice as an option when it's breakfast time, so it must be a common choice.

I've also read in a book that water is healthier than any option.. but since Y/n wants the water, I'll drink orange juice.

"No, it's fine, we can share it!" He said, grabbing my arm so that I wouldn't pick the orange juice up. He put the water in my hands, and we held the bottle of water together. In our hands. Was this a signal of sharing?

His hands were warm as usual.

"No.. that means we.. we.." My face is heated, red with nervousness and embarrassment.

As if knowing what I meant, he replied in a very.. obvious way? "Who cares?" I felt my heart flutter and face flush, my face softening. "We're both guys." That made everything go away.

Right.. boys usually don't like each other in that way. Only boys and girls... Maybe if I was a girl, he'd.. no, I can't think like that.

He opens the water, and drinks a sip, then handing it over to me as he searches through the bag for something.

As I held the bottle in my hands, I was trembling. I didn't know why, if he didn't mind, why should I? It's just an indirect kiss.. it's just an indirect kiss.. it's just..

It's not just an indirect kiss. For me, it was far more. It was the moment of a lifetime.

"Kuni? Kuni?! Kuni!" I heard him shout. "I apologize, I was zoning out." I lied.

"It's alright! Now tell me, which sandwich would you like?" He held up five sandwiches, all made of different ingredients.

I hope I had looked like I was thinking carefully about my choice, but in reality I was not.

My heart was still fluttering, the bottle..

In the end, I picked a random one. The combination were tomato, bacon, and lettuce.

I couldn't really judge how it tasted, since I didn't really need to eat. I didn't know how humans would define that taste.

I still hadn't taken a sip from that bottle. I didn't know what was holding me back when I was clearly so excited.

Y/n however, drank a few sips. "Kuni? Are you not going to drink some water?" He said, offering the bottle to me again.

This time, I couldn't refuse. The excitement was controlling over my fear.

I- I drank it.

The water was still the same, but.. it tasted more sweet. I licked my lips, hoping to get more of that taste.

My excitement died down as I calmed down, taking another bite of my sandwich.

As we both finished our sandwiches, he took the cookies and cake.

"Kuni, do you want cookies or cakes?" He asked, staring at me like.. he wanted to eat me.

"Cakes, I guess..." I said, nervous if I chose the wrong answer. In fact, I didn't. "Okay! Which one?" He smiled brightly and beamed with light, presenting chocolate, lemon, and a cheesecake.

"Mm.. I don't know. Which one would you prefer, Y/n?" I asked, seeking his opinion.

"Hmm.. I don't know either." He seemed to be in a panic mode, why? I looked around, seeing nobody staring at us weirdly. If so, why was he so nervous?

"I guess I would have the lemon one." I said, smiling gently.

"Oh.. what a coincidence! I want the lemon one too! Let's share!!" I.. didn't understand. "You can have it. I-"

"No, I insist we share it! Please?" He stood up, staring down at me with puppy eyes.

I blushed red again, and nodded.

Two Obsessions / Dom/M!Reader x Kunikuzushi/ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now