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Kunikuzushi/Scaramouche POV:

That maiden dress.. no, I'm not going to wear it.

It's kind of pretty.. would it look good on me if I had long hair? What would it look like on me now? Y/n isn't here..

I went to the walking closet, and put on the maiden dress. It feels weird, but I like it. I look so cool..

I should go see Tea, had it eaten yet? I went to the guest room, and Tea was awake. It was taking small bites out of it's meal. "Hey, you."

It was on guard for a moment until it saw that it was me. "Do I look good in this?" It jumped down the bed, and ran circles around me. "As expected, I look fabulous." I set my hands on my hips.

I wore the maiden dress for a while, until I realized Y/n was coming back soon. Normally, we would have come back by now, but he was doing everything today, so it was a bit late.

Should I let him see me like this? As a reward.. nono, what the fuck am I thinking.. I should take this off right now.

I took it off, and put on my wear before. I folded it nicely and put it in the same spot. Y/n shouldn't see a difference.

I waited on the couch, grooming Tea's fur softly. I waited and waited, but Y/n wasn't there. There were no footsteps outside, either.

Was he in trouble? Did something happen to him? Did he leave me? Did he abandon me too?! No, it must be because he's busy... There were a lot of paperwork..

I waited again, but another hour has passed and he wasn't home. I had to go check on him. I set Tea down, unlocked and opened the door, then stepped outside.

Nothing can happen to Y/n, nothing can happen to Y/n, he's strong, he's polite, no enemy of ours are around Inazuma currently, then what-

Just as I was thinking, I heard some talking. "Don't do weird couple stuff!" I don't recognize that voice. "Yeah, whatever!" That was Y/n's voice. Why was Y/n here at this time?

He was looking back, so he bumped into me. "Ugh, who the fuck-" He paused. Did he not expect me to come find him this late? "Y/n. Do you know, how late it is?" I glared at him unintentionally.

"Oh.. um, Kuni.. w-what are you doing outside? Let's go inside..?" He holds my hand, but I slap it away. "It's past 11PM, Y/n. Why were you gone for so long?"

"11PM?! Gosh, I'm so sorry Kuni, I guess I got caught up talking to Tartaglia about our marriage and stuff, I'm really sorry!" He hugs me tight, as tight as a baby. "Tar.. Tarzan?" "Tartaglia."

Who the fuck is Tartaglia? I've heard that name before.. "He's the new eleventh harbinger! Well, we're sort of friends now.." He rubbed the back of his head, looking away.

"So you talked with Tar- ..Tartalia for hours and didn't come home?" I missed him. I didn't even eat dinner.

"I'm sorry, Kuni! I'm really sorry, baby.." He kisses me, but I step back. Was I really tearing up because of a stupid Tartalia?

"Do you know how long I waited for you?" Did he see how vulnerable I am right now? Does he see how I'm crying? "K-kuni.. don't cry, I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you! Don't cry, please?" I slap his hand away, and wiped my own tears.

"Make it up to your new friend!" I yelled, walking back to our- my shared house. I ran, so he wouldn't catch up.

He had the keys, so he could just unlock the door when he got back. I closed it, and locked it. I went inside the bathroom holding a big plush, and locked the door.

"Ugh, go talk with your stupid new friend! Is your new friend more important than me?!" I threw a pathetic tantrum, punching and kicking the plush.

I then sat on the floor, hugging the plush as I waited for him to come and ask for forgiveness with worry in his voice.

I heard the door unlock, and he opened every single door looking for me until he found the one that was locked. "Kuni, please, I'm sorry, get out of there, please?"

"Tell that to your dumb, new friend! Hmph!" As soon as I heard the keys, I opened the window. "Have fun!" I said as I jumped out, it wasn't high, just.. a few stories up.

"Kuni! Kuni, don't do anything stupid! Kuni! Kunikuzushi, are you there? Scaramouche!"

(Double update 😘😘)

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