22: FOXY 🦊🦊🦊🦊🦊

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Kunikuzushi/Scaramouche POV:        

"I just wanted to help.. stupid Y/n!" I said, throwing a pillow across the room. I sat on the bed, angry.

I'm a harbinger, too.. This is so unfair! "U-um.. mister Scaramouche, mister Y/n asked me to bring-"

Stupid, stupid, stupid! Does he think I'm going to forgive him just because he brought me something? "..just leave it at the door."

"Yes! Have a nice day sir!" I heard footsteps scrambling away, and I went towards the door. I might forgive him..

I open the door to be greeted with a.. fox? It had orange and white fur, and seemed to be sleeping. "Why did he bring me a dumb fox?"

Either way, I brought it into our home.

"So, what's your name?" I asked it, it's eyes were closed. How dare he not respond to me! I held it in my arms, and sat on the bed with it.

Soon, the fox woke up. It seemed scared, why? It looked at me, and stayed closer to me. Does it feel safer near me?

It's fur was soft. Why did Y/n gift me such a thing? It purrs, and I feel myself soften at it. No, I do not think it's cute.

The fox crawls onto my lap, and comforts itself, then falls asleep. I didn't move, how dare a lowly creature like a dumb fox sleep on me?

I continued petting it while it was asleep, slowly falling asleep too. "I'll name you tea." (His fav food is bitter tea 😏😏)


I woke up later on to Y/n's voice. "Kuni~ sweetheart, sunshine, time to wake up~" I opened my eyes, met with e/c eyes. "Good afternoon, sweetie. How do you like your new pet?"

"..pet? You mean this stupid fox?" I look down, but the fox isn't there. "Huh? Did you take it? Where is it?!" I sit up, looking around, grabbing Y/n's hand. "Aw, is Kuni worried about it? Don't worry, I put it to rest."

..to, rest? "Is it.. dead?!" "Haha, no. It's in the other room sleeping. I didn't want it to interrupt our.. alone time." He leans closer, his eyes bright..

I push him away, "Did you feed it yet?" I asked, I'm not worried, it's just, something I personally named shouldn't die so easily. "Now I kind of regret giving you one. Ugh, it's been sleeping forever. How would I feed it?"

I think foxes eat raw meat? "I'll go feed it." I see Y/n pout as I go find raw meat.

I found some, but it was frozen. Do I heat it up? "Y/n, do I need to heat this up?" "I don't know, how about you just feed it then we can-"

I made a fire, and set the meat above it. I shouldn't cook it, they like it raw, right? Most of the ice on it melted. I grabbed a bowl, and put the meat in it. "Which room?"

"Kuni! How come you pay more attention to that damned fox more than me?!" Y/n hugs me from behind, seeming angry. "It's just a fox, don't be childish."

"Childish?! Hmph, I should've never brought that damn fox.." He lets go of me, and crosses his arms. He sits on the chair, and looks down.

"Wait, Y/n," "I won't accept your apology unless we f-" "You didn't tell me which room yet." I see him surprised, and sulks. "Ugh, the guest room."

I went to the guest room, and I see Tea nuzzling against the pillows. I gently set the bowl next to it, it can eat it once it wakes up. I pet his fur again, then left to go comfort Y/n.

"Y/n, come on. It's just a fox." I said, holding his hand. "It's just a fox, they said. How could you prioritize a fox over me?! I'm your husband!" He grabs my hand, and puts it to his chest.

"And here I thought you would get lonely, I should've never brought that fox here!" He stands up, and leaves the room.

Was he.. actually angry? Over a fox? So childish.. I went after him, "Y/n! It's just a fox, it's not like I ignored you!" He stands at the end of the hall, looking really mad. "..I'm sorry, okay? It's just a fox."

"Well, I don't forgive you! Unless you.. wear this." I didn't notice, but he had a box in his hands. He unlocks it, and pulls out a.. maiden dress?

"Isn't it pretty? You should wear it!" The anger before were all gone, his eyes were sparkling brightly. "Seriously?"

"Pleaseee! Just one time!" How the tables have turned.

(I'm trying to keep up with the schedule of one chapter a day, and this chapter was kinda rushed I'm sorry if there's typos 😭😭 But yah Y/n bout to meet Child 😏)

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