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(Author message is blank today bc idk what to write


Kunikuzushi/Scaramouche POV:     

Y/n told me to go to the harbingers meeting.. like this.. and I agreed.

Well, now I have to hold in everything.

"C-c/n injured his head, so h-he couldn't make it today.." I managed to say, trembling a bit from the pleasure.

I rubbed my thighs together, struggling to sit straight. "Yes, I have heard. Best wishes to Y/n, we all hope he gets a quick recovery." I nodded, if I talked I'd probably moan, really loud.

The meeting continued as usual, with me rubbing my thighs and trembling half of the time. "..Balladeer, are you alright?" I looked up with tears in my eyes from the overstimulation and pleasure, and nodded.

Pierro seemed to looked down, then he slapped his forehead. "..if you need to you can leave early." He knows!

I nodded, embarrassed.

Later on, I realized something. Y/n was turning it higher each minute. I but my bottom lip hard enough that I tasted blood, I gripped the chair handles hard, and my knuckles turned white.

The pleasure was too much, it was so good.. not moaning was torture. I wanted to cum so bad.. I needed it-

The vibrations were slowly turning up to max, and Y/n knew I couldn't handle that. Y/n was betting on how long the meeting is.

I was sitting straight, but I really wanted to bend over the table. The vibrations were hitting my prostate harder, and it was going deeper.

I let out a small moan, and luckily nobody heard that. I had to hang on.. I can't embarrass myself.

"This meeting will be cut short, for.. unexpected reasons. I thank you all for your attendance, and I will see you all next time." Pierro said, standing up as the other harbingers do, too.

I stood up, my legs were trembling and weak. I hurried out the door, panting while running back our home.

I opened the front door in a hurry, and slammed it shut before rushing to the infirmary, I couldn't hold on for much longer.

I kicked open the infirmary door, and there was Y/n.. and a stupid doctor. "Lord Balladeer? Was there something you needed?" I saw Y/n smirk at me, he must've planned this..

"N-n- aah.." I said, barely above a whisper. "What was that?" "N-no.." I walked over to one of the guest chairs, and sat down. While the doctor turned around, I saw Y/n smirk at me and hold up his hand, which had a controller in it.

He slowly turned it higher, making me tremble in pleasure. I held onto my chair for dear life, it was too much, I couldn't take it, I need to cum..

"Alright, thank you doctor, you can leave now. Lock the door behind you~" I head Y/n said, I heard the door closed then lock, and I rushed over to Y/n.

He turned it even higher, and I let out a loud moan. "Aah! Ngh, p-please.. nghh!" I sat on his lap, humping against his crotch.

"My my~ Kuni is such a slut, aren't you?" I nodded, "Y-yes, I- aah!" He sighed, and took off my clothes.

He slowly thrusted the vibrator in and out, and I cummed. I was holding it in for too long, I needed to cum.

He slammed the vibrator back into me, then turned it to max. I gripped his shoulders tightly, a moaning mess as I cummed repeatedly.

I begged him to turn it down, but he didn't. I could only squirm around helplessly, begging him.

Slowly, he turned it off. I whimpered a bit, breathing heavily. He took off his own pants, revealing how hard he was. I eagerly took on his cock, riding it until I was a sobbing mess.

"That's right Kuni.. my dirty slut." He said, taking my hips and bouncing me up and down as I rode him. I moaned loudly, cumming so many times I lost count. I begged for more, harder, faster..!

Soon, I collapsed onto Y/n, while he whispered sweet praises into my ears. "You did so well.." He took me into the shower in the infirmary, and washed me clean before putting his clothes on me.

I liked his clothes, they fit me and they were comfortable with his scent. We cuddled in another patient bed, since the other one.. well, it was drenched in my orgasms..

He kissed my forehead, and told my goodnight, before I blacked out.

(Bro what do I do my friend told me their homophobic three times but their a good friend but I don't think their joking 😭)

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