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(So I hate Dvalin now



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So I was writing angst until it somehow turned to smut idk how don't ask me)

Kunikuzushi/Scaramouche POV:      

I was childishly angry at Y/n.. It's just I felt hurt. He hasn't been spending time with me recently.. and now he'd be gone for another few weeks.

I was so childish. He had his personal stuff that he needed to do. Why am I feeling this emotion?

I cried into the bedsheets and pillows in the first guest bedroom, (they have 20 guest bedrooms) I wasn't used to crying.

It's so weird. Liquid coming out of your eyes because you feel strong about an emotion.. and after it happens you feel refreshed. It's so weird.

He didn't even come find me.. he doesn't care for me, does he? He'll leave me.. He hates me. He wished he never met me..!

Suddenly I heard the door barging open, and I knew it was Y/n. I pouted, and covered my head with the blanket. He was so late! I'm not forgiving him even for cuddles!

"Kuni.." His voice was cracking, was he crying as well? I'm such a bad husband. I made my husband cry. I suck.

But I was crying, too. He sat at the edge of the bed, "I'm leaving." I froze.




I couldn't make out a proper response, I just froze. He hated me now. I did this. I got mad at him. It's all my fault, I shouldn't never gotten mad at him, now he's leaving, he hates me, he's leaving me behind for someone better.

"Kuni.. please don't overthink. Let me see you, please?" He said, ruffling my hair through the blanket.

I slowly uncovered the blanket, the shock was still there. "..why?" I asked, my voice cracking as I cried harder.

"Don't leave me.. p-please.." I begged him. He didn't respond, he just hugged me. "Can we cuddle?" He says, probably trying to lighten the mood.

I nodded, and he set us down in a similar position to earlier. "..don't leave me." I said, barely above a whisper. I was so scared, he was going to leave me.

He just kissed my forehead, making me cry. "Why are you leaving me? It's because I got mad, isn't it? I-i promise I'll get better for you, I won't get mad anymore, don't leave me.." I muttered out, soaking his shirt with tear stains.

"It's not your fault, Kuni." He said, kissing my temple and ruffling my hair. He hugged me tighter, whispering how much he loved me..

"I love you so much, I can't live without you.. I don't know what I will do when I'm gone. Remember, don't get in too much trouble, okay?" He said, crying with me.

"..I love you too, please don't leave me, I'll do anything..!" I said, crying and sobbing as I hit his chest gently. I had to control my emotions..

"Kuni.." He kissed me, a deep kiss. I kissed back eagerly, not wanting it to ever end. Why was he leaving me if he loved me?

We broke the kiss after a while, and I begged him to continue. I wanted kisses. I needed distractions. I needed him.

He gave me what I wanted, he kissed me over and over again until my lips were swollen.

"Kuni.. I love you so much.." He said, flipping the blankets and pinning me into the bed.

I moaned into the next kiss..

(This is supposed to be trashy angst but it turned to smut but it's still angst so I'll just say they fucked for 5 rounds 4 hours)

I was exhausted, but it felt good to get relief. He cuddled me again, "I'll miss your body and your tight little-" He shut himself up.

"Sorry." I wanted to laugh, but I just couldn't knowing the fact that he was going to leave me.

Was he going to miss our anniversary? It's three days later.. oh God I hate my life. "..can leave with you?"

Y/n gasped, and thought about it. "..I can ask." Ask? Somebody was telling him to leave me.. so he used the term 'ask'.

Who the fuck? That motherfucker I hope they burn in hell I hope their family hates them and dies in a bus accident and they get tortured and cut in half while getting burned alive and skinned alive and hang upside down while getting cut and stabbed and shot I hope somebody stabs them 69 times and shoots them in the brain heart throat fucking crotch legs and arms I hope they die a gruesome death in the worse way possible while everyone fucking laughs because they hate them as much as I do and I'd pour gasoline while they burn in a fire and drown them a million times if I could and kill them over and over until they finally subside and get suicidal then I would put them in a room where no sharp weapons were allowed and all the walls were soft and thin but it was no door and no windows so they could never escape.

"Kuni~ What're you thinking about? Pay attention to me while you still have me.." Y/n said, acting sad. "Yes.. I'll give you everything." I said, hugging Y/n tightly as we both cuddled.

(I just have a feeling that you either hate Y/n, Kuni or system after this chapter, like idk but I have the feeling and if you hate Kuni get tf out of this book I hope ur mom dies in a car accident and ur dad abandons ur filthy ass while ur friends turn on u and u burn in hell forever

So I'm editing this chapter and I just wanted to share my trauma with y'all :)

Warning! rape (not me)

I just read a KazuScara fanfic where Scara raped Kazuha unintentionally (I think) when they were both 12 and now that they were 22 Kazuha raped Scara back as a revenge while having Heizou as a boyfriend the entire time and Scara hated it but he liked it 💀😭)

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