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Y/n POV:

I've made Kuni really mad, he even cried! I'm such a jerk, I don't deserve him. Now I'm outside looking for him.

"Kuni! Kuni, where are you? This isn't funny, come out! I'm sorry, Kuni! I'll make it up to you!" I yelled repeatedly.

This is all because of that stupid Tartaglia! "Kuni, I'm sorry!" Where would he go.. where would he go.. "Please, I can't live without you. Don't be mad anymore? Please?"

I'm sure he could hear me, he must be near. "Please, my love, I need you in my life. I'm sorry, really sorry." If I just persuade him somehow, maybe he'll come back. "I'm such a jerk.."

Faintly, I could hear a little pout. "Hmph." Nobody was around at this hour, it had to be Kuni. "Kuni, I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you, please, forgive me?" I said, slowly walking towards the source of the sound.

I repeated my words as I slowly approach the sound, not startling him. "If you don't come out, I'll have to find you myself, then, I'll teach you a lesson about running away."

"...found you." I slowly set a hand on Kuni's shoulder, smiling menacingly. He turns around immediately, still mad, I see. "...I hate you.."

Those words, though said as a joke, still hurt my heart. "Kuni, don't do that again." I hugged him. I'll be honest, I'm really insecure. What if he finds someone better than me? What if he doesn't want me or need me anymore?

"I seriously can't live without you." I hugged him tighter. I felt like crying myself. "Don't scare me again, please."

"..hmph, you're the jerk here, you said it yourself." "Yes, I'm the jerk, I'm the biggest jerk in the world." I admitted, feeling his arms return the hug.

"Don't leave me." I didn't know if that sounded like demanding or begging, but he just needed to hear it. "I only have you. I don't know anyone here, it's terrifying. If you leave me, I'll die."

"..don't exaggerate, you can't die. You lived for a few centuries, you're not really all that human." "Would you have rathered me die?"

I caressed his cheek, running my hand through his hair. "..no. If you dare to ever die, I'll never forgive you."

"Okay. Then you can't die either." "I'm a puppet, I can't die." For once, I was glad he was a puppet. "Honey, I'm still human. I could die, somehow."

"Yeah, whatever.. don't die." I smiled, and kissed him gently. "Let's go inside?" He nodded. I opened up the system screen, and bought a 'teleportation'.

Instantly, we were both back in our home, in our bed. It has been 500 years, Kuni knows about most of my abilities.

We laid down, cuddling. I was hugging him tightly, as if he was going to slip away the moment I let go. His body pushed up against mine, even the slightest movement can make me want to fuck him.

I swear if he moves down there again.. I'm fucking him. Might as well teach him a lesson.

...Okay I'm fucking him.

"Kuni." "Hm?" My hands slide down.. he realizes. "W-wait!" I shut him up with a kiss. "My hands slip into his pants, squeezing his ass.

He lets out a gasp, letting my tongue slip in. My tongue explores his mouth as my fingers enter his ass. He trembles at that, how adorable!

I break the kiss, his face in the crook of my neck. My hand on the back of his head, urging him to bite down on my neck. "Shhh.."

My fingers scissor and stretch him out, everything but touching his prostate. He lets out a breathy whine, too sexy.

He bite down on my neck as I touch his prostate, and start to abuse it. Small moans escape his mouth, but most are covered. It was totally going to leave a mark on my neck.

"M-mm.. ah! N-ngh, mm!" He was so beautiful like this, I ignored the pain in my neck. My fingers push harder onto his prostate, he arches his back and bites harder. "Mm! Ah! Mm..!~ Ngh, h-harder.." I pushed a bit harder.

"A-aaahh.. mmm! Ngh, mm! Mmm!" I wasn't going to stop anytime soon. I rub and push onto his prostate, his moans keeping me going. "Mmm..! Don't stop..!"

Two Obsessions / Dom/M!Reader x Kunikuzushi/ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now