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Kunikuzushi/Scaramouche POV:

I bandaged up his wounds, and he dragged me to bed. "Kuni, rest well! I'm so sorry for waking you up.. I'll go make dinner." He said.

"I can make it tonight." I said, looking at his wounds. "No, I can make it." He insisted, so I obliged.

"What would you like for dinner?" He asked, caressing my cheek gently. "Tofu." "Mm." He then went to the kitchen.

I laid still on the bed, hugging Mr. Bear and eventually closed my eyes.


"Kuni~" I slowly opened my eyes, and sat up. I wasn't that sleepy, so I didn't want to continue sleeping.

We ate dinner, Y/n feeding me most of the time.

(This is mad boring switch to tmr morning)

This day, I woke up with Y/n poking and squishing my cheeks. "H-hey!" He noticed I was awake, but he didn't stop. "Aw~ Kuni is always so cute and adorable!" I tried to scare him off using a glare, but he didn't seem scared at all.

I groaned, and submitted to him.

"Their so soft.." He praised while I blush slightly. His hands move on to my other body parts, and he praises each one of them. "You're my God, Kuni." He hugs my waist, and looks up at me lustfully.

I gulp, something was wrong with him this morning. But.. I liked him being like this. "Yeah. You're my only follower." I said, rubbing his head.

A king worshipping a God, a God blessing a king. (THANKS FOR THE INSPIRATION Shin_thats_it)

"Y/n, we have work to do." I reminded him, he was getting too attached. "Sex." He said..

"Not now." My ass still hurts. "Please? You know you want it.." No, I didn't. I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, no I'm not brainwashing myself into thinking I don't want it.

His hands slipped downward, and I couldn't bring myself to stop him. "You want it, don't you? Don't be so stubborn.. listen to your heart.." He says as his hands slip into my pants, and I gasp lightly.

My body trembles from excitement as his hands roamed my body. My body doesn't want to stop him, but my mind does.

- (Relax, they didn't fuck because a certain SOMEONE told me to give Kuni a break for two chapters 🙄) -

Y/n was extra clingy today, but I didn't mind. I actually liked working with him in the same room. We were working in my office, since we fucked in Y/n's office.

We were holding hands while working, which Y/n suggested. It has been a while since her Majesty the Tsaritsa has sent us on a mission to retrieve a gnosis.

-(Time skip to after work time bc this chapter boring af)-

"Kuni, what would you do if I wasn't real?" Y/n suddenly asked. What did he mean by that? There must be some deeper meaning.. it doesn't have to mean he's not real. He is real.

"But you are." "I'm saying if, if I wasn't real." He said, a world where Y/n doesn't exist.. "I'd kill myself if you disappear one day."

"Haha, please don't. I'm serious." He said, kissing my forehead. "You'd die without me, and I'd die without you." I never thought I would be the one saying such cheesy words..

"That's sweet, but you have to live." He said, holding my shoulders tightly as he stares at me with sincerity in his eyes.

"Why? Give me a reason." I said, if he promised me he would die if I died, then why couldn't I die when he died?

"C'mon, Kuni~ promise me?" His eyes softened, and his playful tone returned. He sets my hand on his head, and I could see his nonexistent tail wagging.

"No." After all, I couldn't. I refuse to and can't live without Y/n. "We really can't do anything without each other, huh." His eyes full of emotion that I can't make out, but he smiles.

"Well, let's get to bed." He says, putting one arm beneath my knees and one under my waist. He lifts me up, and carried me to the bed.

"Goodnight, my love. Sleep tight." He says, giving me a quick peck on the lips. I nod, and we cuddle.

We slowly fall asleep in each other's brace.

(Next chapter is Y/n lore~ still don't have it completely pieced out but yah it's some sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad backstory thing then something about descenders 🤪✅

Whole thing will involve our mad sussy bro system 🔥

Btw today is a double update in apology for the last chapter from yesterday)

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