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Y/n POV:

"What?! Why?!" I shouted, sounding desperate. People who don't know might even think I got heartbroken.

"I'm sorry, but.. it's just, u-um.." He was stuttering. Why?

"..is there any reason you can't be friends with me..?" I asked, looking down to hide the sadness in my eyes.

"I'm sorry, I have to go now." He said before turning around. To my surprise, he ran quickly away from my sight.

I can't believe this.. why can't he be friends with me?

He was so elegant, and pretty.. Why was he wandering the streets alone?

Was he also 'homeless' too?

That's such a sad thing.. such a good-looking person left homeless.. what kind of moron would do that?!

I guess I should leave him alone..

Because of his rejection, I was bitter for the entire night.

Why would he not be my friend?

[Flashback to Y/n's sad sad backstory because a Y/n can't live without one]

"Penny! What'cha got there?" A girl asked, waving her hand around excitedly.

"Nothing much, just some chips." Who the girl called 'Penny' replied with a smile.

"Oh, okay then. Jacob, what about you?" The girl asked again, looking at 'Jacob'.

"Hannah, I'm not sharing with you." Jacob replied, scooting away from 'Hannah'.

"Oh c'mon! Why not?" Hannah replied, crossing her arms with a pout. "Because you never share with us, why should we share with you?" Penny argued.

"Penny is right, Hannah. We're not giving you our food!" Jacob added, which made Hannah extremely angry.

"You guys suck! Friends are supposed to care for each other!" The three friends continued bickering, while a person in the corner stayed quiet.

Hannah camed closer to that person, and asked: "Y/n, what do you have?"

The person was startled his 'friends' actually noticed his presence, and he gave a small smile.

"I have some strawberries.. Y-you can have some if you'd like!" Y/n said quickly, not wanting to stop talking with his friend group.

"Thanks, Y/n!" Hannah said, taking a strawberry.

The three friends started chatting while eating strawberries. Again, completely ignoring Y/n's existence.

Y/n thought that they would chat with him if he shared, but he was wrong.
"Daniel!~" Y/n waved his hand, entering 'Daniel's' history class.

"Oh, hey Y/n." The person replied plainly, not giving a smile.

Y/n began hanging out with Daniel once his friend group left him out for ages.

Y/n felt that he and Daniel could be best friends! Even if Daniels best friend was Evan, Y/n still had hope.

Evan didn't really hangout with Daniel, that made Y/n super jealous of Evan. Why does Daniel consider Evan a better best friend than him?

Y/n had wanted to make Daniel his best friend, but he failed when more people started to hang out with Daniel.

Y/n will never forget that day, because that day he knew he was abandoned by all of his friends.

He despised all of them.

After being abandoned twice by 'friends', Y/n then never really wanted a best friend.

(not too much of a SAD backstory, but it's still kinda sad.)

Y/n knew since Daniel that he didn't want to get any new friends, but Kunikuzushi felt different.

He didn't know how to explain it, it was just.. this feeling, that urged him to become friends with him.

While Y/n was thinking, the sky slowly turned darker and in the blink of an eye, it was midnight.

"Goddamn it, it's midnight already?" Y/n complained, he didn't know when the system would be here again.

The system wasn't loading his small house when it shut down, so even if it's been 10 hours it wouldn't have made any progress.

"Man, fuck this system! Aren't I the main character?! This is bullshit.." Y/n whined, kicking random stones on the sidewalk.

Y/n was roaming the empty streets in n dark environment, how could he not be scared?

Truth was, Y/n was scared, but he forced himself to go forward since he knew it wouldn't be any better if he had stopped in one place.

"It's so creepy bro.." Y/n was the type to cope horror with humor.

Y/n found an alleyway that was actually pretty clean.

There were no trash cans there, so it was a good place for a nap.

"I'm just gonna stay here until the sun rises.." Y/n said, getting that lonely feeling again after he had just lost it.

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