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(Bro I swear I was in a silly mood don't mind the sussy second half yah..)

Kunikuzushi/Scaramouche POV:        

Soon, it was lunchtime.

"Kuni, what do you want to eat for lunch?" Y/n asked, looking around for any shop that was open.

"I'm fine with anything." I replied, staring at our hands not wanting them to separate. "Hmm, if you don't say anything.. I guess I'll eat you!" Y/n said with an evil smile, trying to put up a scary posture.

Eat, me? I heard that, in some way, it meant.. s-se- "Sure." I answered with a light smile, hoping he wouldn't see my face being red.

"Really?" He said again, smirking as he put my hand near his mouth. "..yeah."

He bit my hand. "..nom!" I knew it was in a silly way, but somehow I felt this thing.. like- I wanted him to touch me more..

I probably blushed a lot today. He is only going to make the list longer, but I don't mind.

He smiles, and let's go of my hand. "Haha~ you didn't think I would actually eat you, right?" "Mm." I couldn't make out an answer, what did he want to hear?

He took me to this place, where they sold noodles. "Kuni, this place has really good noodles! You should try it!" He suggested.

"Okay." If that's what you want, I'll do it.

We sat down, and ordered. Soon, they brought us our noodles. "Kuni, what do you think?" "It's delicious."

I didn't know if it actually tasted good or not, but if Y/n says it's good, it's probably good.

"Can I try yours?" I didn't mind. "Sure." We switch bowls, and he tries mine. "Hmm.. I should order this next time! You have good taste, Kuni!" He said, switching our bowls back.

"You can have it if you'd like." "No, it's fine."

After lunch, we continued walking around Inazuma, chatting for a little, and buying some interesting stuff.

Everything was normal, until I tripped. Y/n was walking in front of me, so when he turned around worried about the noise, I.. almost kissed him.

My lips were three centimeters from his.. I- I kissed his cheek..

"I'm so sorry," I said, sitting up, which meant I was technically sitting on his d-

"It's.. fine." He said, his face was kind of red, too.. I moved around for a little, trying to see how to get off of him in that position where my legs are on his side and my ass was.. on his.. you know.

He seemed.. nervous.

When I finally got off of him, I offered him a hand. He took it, and didn't say anything. "Y-y/n, I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry.." I said, scared that he's angry at me, would he leave me, too?

Suddenly, he dragged me to an alleyway, and pinned me against the wall. My heart was racing, his face.. seemed very serious. Maybe now wasn't the time to be falling in love with him even more..

"Kuni." "Yes..?" His tone, it was very not like him. This must be very important, I should listen carefully.

"I like you."

He likes me.. he likes me?!?! My face was heating up, I try to cover my face using my hands, but he pinned them both above my head. I lowered my head, hoping he doesn't see my flushed face..

But why did I need to hide it?

"You like me too, don't you?" He whispered in my ear.. his breathe tickling my ears. My body felt hot.

"I- I.." Come on, you idiot! Just admit you like him, don't be afraid to get rejected, he already likes you too!

"I.. like you too.." I looked at him in the eyes, seeing his eyes flashing.. lust?

"Kuni." He called my name. "Yes..?" "You know you're always really, really, sexy, right?" What?

"How could a person be so adorable yet sexy at the same time? You surprise me, Kuni." My face was getting redder, what was he saying? Nonsense..

"I can't do this anymore." I looked up, worried that he would leave me. "P-please don't leave me, I'll do anything!"

"...anything?" "Yes!"

He grabbed my chin, and forced me to look up. "Your eyes, their also so.. hypnotizing." His fingers brush past my lips, making me slightly shiver.

Suddenly, I felt his lips touch mine.

Two Obsessions / Dom/M!Reader x Kunikuzushi/ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now