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(Do I really have to write mpreg 💀 no, they shall have cats :)

So much happened 😔 my mom just said my grandma's not living past this week. My sisters a grumpy moody judy so she didn't let me eat dinner so I had to provide for myself and eat cereal lol, and I have to wait an hour after school because nobody can pick me up and my sister has to walk from her school toine and pick me up to go home </3

I just realized, I love S.S.S. (Submissive Scaramouche Smut) 😌)

Kuni/Scara/Wanderer POV:

Words cannot describe how much happiness I felt when I saw Y/n again.

We made love, kissed, and cuddled, after so long.. "Kuni! Look at this!" I heard Y/n shout. "Coming!"

In Y/n's arms, a little white kitten. "Isn't it adorable?! Can we keep it?" He said, looking at me with puppy eyes.

I sighed, and nodded. "Is it a girl or a boy?" "Uh.." He lifted the cat, and looked down. "It's a boy!" He said, smiling. "What a cute little kitty~" I said, smiling as I pet it's head. It's fur was so soft! This reminded me of Tea..

(Respect to people that remembered Tea the poor fox 😔)

"What do you want to name it?" I asked, smiling softly. "Hmm.. how about.. Ariana Grande?!" "..who's that?"

"It's a name! Let's name-... Uh, I forgot he was a boy. Since he's a boy, let's name him Justin Bieber!" "..who's Arianna? Who's Justin?! Are you cheating on me?!" I screamed, grabbing him by the collar.

"Huh? No! Of course not!" He said, worry in his eyes. "I'd never cheat!" "..says the one who ditched me for Tartaliaga..." I mumbled, unfortunately he heard me. "That was a year ago! Plus, it's 'Tartaglia'!"

"That proves my point.. you don't lovee anymore.. you even told me to correct his name.. you love him more.." I said, fake tears flowing down my cheeks.

"...Kuni, it's been three years. I'm not falling for that." He said, sighing. He let my head softly, "But I'll grant you a kiss~"

I looked up, shocked, and then I felt another pair of lips on mine.

I melted into the kiss, even though I didn't want to.. J-j-Juice was still watching!


"..Kuni, I found-" "..another cat?" "..yes. Can we-" "Yes."

This past week, Y/n has somehow found.. a lot of cats. And by a lot, I mean 52. Well, we were rich, so.. cats ran around everywhere.

They were adorable! I just couldn't stand seeing one alone, outside.. starving.. cold.. so we took in every cat we saw.

There were Hilly, Billy, Silly, Dilly, they were siblings. They were identical, but if you looked at their left ears, you could tell the different.

There were also Serena, Hellen, Kenny, Ken, Amanda, Evan, Iris, Ophelia, Quine, Denise, Adam, Tiffany, Ryan, Lora, Manny, Feren, Michael, John, Addison, Becky, Hailey, Bailey, Fernando, Jacky, Makenzie, Andrew, Dylan, Gilson, Henry, Harold, Harry, Penny, Penelope, Angelica, Ximena, Jackson, Greyson, Mary, William, Sammy, Riley, Jessica, Keller, Fena, Milly, Sylvia, Timmy, Bobby, Mike, Ella, Andy, Cally, and soon to be more.

(I wrote 56 names and had to delete four 💀 Imagine if I put ur name.. it's ur honor to be their cat now. Choose ur fur color eye color personality and who you wanna date 😌)

"What should we name this one?" "Is it a girl or a boy?" He lifted the orange cat, looked down, and set it down. "A girl." "Hmm.. Chloe." "Great!"


"Kuni.. I found-" "Sure." "It's a boy." "Name it Tyler." "Okay."


Everyday, you could see cats running around everywhere. We spent over a million on the best quality cat food, spent like everyday training them to shit in the litter box yet they still won't do it, but, that's alright.

Today, Henry and Cally became friends! Ella and Lora started fighting a lot recently, and.. I think and Penny and Evan are dating.

"..Penny, I raised you to be better. How could you date.. him?!" Y/n cried out, stuffing his face in Penny's fur as she struggled and hissed.

Uh.. two weeks ago, me and Y/n noticed that Penny, Evan, and Amanda seemed to be in a love triangle.. Penny liked Evan, but Evan liked Amanda. Amanda didn't like anyone but her brother, Ken.

Who would've thought they got together? It's cool with me, though. Just that Y/n is being dramatic and pretending like Evans some kind of monsterious beast.. how could he say that to his son! He just walked in on us.. making love.. one time! I'm proud, he remembered how to unlock a door!

"..Kuni, Hailey's health report came back.. she's pregnant?!" "What?! By who?!" "I don't know!"

We're already grandparents!

(That's right. Ur not getting ur dogs and hamsters. Cats>>> 😌)

Two Obsessions / Dom/M!Reader x Kunikuzushi/ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now