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(Cynos jokes and everybody's reaction makes my day 🥳)

Y/n POV:

I knew I shouldn't have been angry at Kuni.

It's just, why couldn't he just ask me?

I was getting worried that I'd been clinging to him too much, so I'd even reduced touching my precious Kuni.. did he not like it?

Seems like I've made a mistake. I should've done better.. (😔👊)

Now, he wasn't coming home. Where was he? I was getting nervous, and nervousness turned to anger at myself, then to sadness.

I bit on my nails until they bled, sitting by the door. If he doesn't come back soon, I'd go look for him.

Why I hadn't looked for him yet? He doesn't like it. He told me a few centuries ago that I need to trust him. Trusting him means that I have to wait for him, and no matter how late he came home I wouldn't go and look for him, right?

If I looked for him, that would mean I don't trust him. Would he think I was thinking that he was with another person?

I have to place the utmost trust in Kuni, it's what the book said.. yeah, I flip through many books after he said: "You need to trust me." I'm not good with love phrases, but books never give bad advice!

What do I do.. I'm looking for him.


"Kuni? Kuni!" I went around every single room, then went outside. "...Childe?" I saw the ginger, who looked so disgusting and ugly near my precious diamond.

"Kuni? What're you two doing together?" Now I could feel anger in my veins. I know I shouldn't be mad, it's all my fault, but I just couldn't help it.

"Y/n? O-oh, it's not what it-" Kuni was interrupted by that nasty ginger. "It's exactly what it looks like."


"...what do you mean?" I force a smile, but I was terrified. Me? Scared? Never since five hundred years ago..

"What do you think?" He says. His stupid arm wrapped around my Kuni's slim waist. I want to cut it off. Right now.

"What? No! I just-" "Ah ah, Kuni, you don't need to lie." He just called my property Kuni. I want him gone, I want him dead in the most gruesome and tragic way, I want his limbs torn apart one by one until he's screaming in pain. I want to torture him alive for months until he want to die.

My nails dig into my skin, it hurts, and it's bleeding, but I couldn't care less. "Don't call me that, you-"

I don't want him touching Kuni. Why couldn't my body move? I want to tear him apart. Kuni has been bad.

"Kuni, I'm sure you've been so tired being with him. You're free with me now." He says, looking at me with his disgusting eyes. I want to rip them out.

"No, I don't even-" He interrupts Kuni again and again, and I'm tired of it.

I want to speak, to scream, to move my body and beat the shit out of him, but I couldn't move.


[Sensing rage inside of hosts body]

[Throw hands?]

[yes / no]

I didn't even know what that meant.

But I'll accept. I barely hesitated. I whispered a yes. Then, I felt anger rising in me. I felt my blood boil, my heart beating faster, and my body hurts.

"Oh? C/n, did you say something?" He taunted. He was asking for it. "Y/n, it's not what it looks like!"

I don't believe him. I want to, but I can't. Why can't I believe him? Can't I trust him? I know how much of a jerk Tartaglia can be.

I felt myself slowly losing consciousness, and my eyelids felt heavy. This was probably part of the systems play.

I passed out.


(Let's just say that Y/n threw hands (with system) and Tartaglia is in the clinic in CRITICAL condition then Y/n has been put in a good mood after our boy system beat the ginger up but I'm too lazy to write that soo)


I opened my eyes to a familiar sight.

I was magically in our bed. Me and Kuni. Kuni was right next to me, sleeping. He's so cute..

But then I remembered last night.

I was supposed to be angry at him. So I will be. I, according to 'the book', have reason to be mad at him because of his actions.

If I time it right, and be angry at him for exactly around 3 hours, he will apologize to me 8 times and try to get me to forgive him 13 times.

He will most likely give up after the 13th time, so I just have to ask him a favor by then and he'll do anything. Free favor!

(What do u do if ur fav online friend is never online when ur online? 😭)


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