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(Imagine attending a wedding your grade has prepared and the bride is your friend so you've become a bridesmaid but then someone with a similar status of the goddamn principal comes at the end of the wedding and says she's going to email everybody's parents 💀 Couldn't be me)

Kunikuzushi/Scaramouche POV:        

"My lord!" Some underlings shouted, entering my office without knocking. "Who gave you the right to barge in?" I said, sounding intimidating.

They looked scared, good. "M-my lord, apologies, but there's a fight!" "A fight? So? Deal with it." I said, about to use my electro vision to teach them a lesson if they don't get out.

"No, my lord! Lord C/n started the fight!" ..Y/n? Y/n?!?! Starting a childish fight?! I stood up, "Take me to the scene right now." They nodded, and ran off with me following.


When I got to the scene, it was a mess. Blood all over, Y/n seemed to be taunting some ginger guy. "That's it? Your delusion was quite strong f-"

"Y/n, what is all this?" I asked, setting one hand on my hips. He stopped, and slowly turned around. "..Kuni?" I smiled, threateningly.

"Kuni,  what're you doing here?" He quickly ran over to me, about to hug me when I smacked his hands away. "Mind explaining what's happening here?"

"Um.. we got into a bit of an argument." He said, looking back at the ginger. The ginger rose his head from the ground, looking like he was wronged. "Argument?! We didn't even argue! You're the worst, comrade!"

"..Who is he?" I asked, a hint of anger and jealousy in my eyes. "He's.. the eleventh harbinger, Tartaglia. The 'new friend' you said I had." Oh..

That stupid son of a bitch is this guy? Well I better praise Y/n. "Good job." He seemed to lighten up, if he had a tail it would be wagging strongly right now. "Thank you!" To add on, I patted his head.

The ginger had sat up, looking offended. "What?! Good job for what?! I knew it, you and your wife both have terrible personalities!" He said, pointing a finger at us. His.. wife? "He has a wife?"

He's.. cheating on me? No, he loves me, only me, I won't allow it, who is she?! I will kill her, how dare he- "It's you! He told me to call you his wife." "..Kuni, I can explain!"

Bonk 👁️👄👁️

"Ouchy! That hurts, Kuni~" He says, the audacity.. "Fuck you.." He smirks, and leans closer. "No swearing." Damn it, why was he treating me like a child?! "I'm not a child.."

"Yes?" The ginger said. "Huh? What?" "Didn't you say my name? Childe!"

"You have another name?" What's the use for all these names? (Lmao Kuni has like five names)

"Kuni, don't pay attention to him.. I hurt myself while fighting.." "Where?" I asked, just a tiny bit worried.

"Let's go to the infirmary." He says, dragging me to go to the infirmary. While leaving, he sticks his tongue out to the ginger, and gives him the middle finger while smiling.

"Goddamn you- I look forward to our next battle, Y/n!" He yells, collapsing back onto the ground.

(At the infirmary)

"Kuni~ My hand hurts~" He said in a certain tone, I was already wrapping his hand in bandages. "Be careful next time." I said, warning him.

"Aw, is Kuni worried?" He asked, smiling. "..yes." He paused, then smiled wider. "Love you."

"Yeah, whatever." I didn't like saying 'I love you', but I still loved him.


"What would you like for dinner tonight, babe?" Y/n asked, popping his head out the kitchen. "Noodles." "Alright! Coming right up."

It was near nighttime, I was reading on the bed while Y/n was cooking dinner. Soon, dinner was ready.

We were eating, when Y/n brought up the time we ate noodles a few centuries ago. "Remember when we first went to a noodle shop? We swapped bowls, too!" He said, really excited. I just nodded.

"I made the same flavor. Do you still like it? Do I recook it? Is it to your liking?" He asked, everytime he cooked me noodles he would ask if I liked the same flavor, and I did.

"There's no need, I like it." He smiled, and ate some of his noodles. Dinner was calming, we swapped bowls a couple times, too. The memories..

"Kuni, don't you sometimes want some excitement in being a harbinger?" He asked, taking the bowls and going to the kitchen. "Yeah, I guess. Why?"

"The excitement will be here soon."

(So turns out she didn't email my parents lmao 💀 No because she knew my name of how often I went to the office cause nobody was picking me up 💀)

Two Obsessions / Dom/M!Reader x Kunikuzushi/ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now