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(don't ask me why but this is now 500 years in the future where the traveler wakes up and stuff and yah 🥳🥳🤩)


Y/n POV:

500 years have past since we became the eleventh harbinger, we're now ranked up to sixth. We both have an electro vision.

Me and Kuni have indeed been dating for around 300 years, we married 200 years ago on January 3rd. (SCARAMOUCHE'S BIRTHDAY)

Everybody knew we were married, all who objected were killed off.

We both had rings on our ring finger, and that made me feel great. I was now married to Kuni.

I had been able to live for 500 years because of the system. My RP points were increasing every second now that I was a harbinger. The rumors about me killing innocent people and such spread like wild fire, so now I was 'famous'.

Every month, I could buy 'Lifespan' for 20RP, twenty times. One 'Lifespan' could last me another ten years. So, it was about 200 years a month.

The only affect was that my old life was useless, once I have bought 'lifespan' once, the timer of ten years had began. Once it stops, I won't automatically be a normal human with a normal lifespan again, I would die immediately of an accident.

Tragic, right?

Today was another tiring day for both of us, doing harbinger stuff. "Kuni~ How was your day?" I asked, knowing it probably was shit.

"Ugh, those lowly creatures have no respect for their superior!" He went on and on, I listened every single day.

"Kuni, I completely agree with you. They shouldn't have done that." Who would even disrespect the all-mighty Scaramouche after knowing his temper?

"Dear, you must be tired." I offered a hug, which he accepted. "At least I have you at the end."

"I'll be with you no matter what, Kuni." He never once told me to stop calling him 'Kuni', although he despised his old name.

He would even go feral if he heard me calling him Scaramouche when we were alone. "How would you like to relief your stress, Kuni?" I smirked, raising his chin.

He starts grinding on me, pushing his body against mine. With pure lust in his eyes, "You know what I want." He was just so seductive.

"Oh? What might that be?" I said, carrying him to the bedroom. His arms were around my neck, I kissed his hair gently.

"Let's fuck." He said calmly, in my case he was seducing me. "Is that your final wish?" I ask, getting consent.

"Yes." Just like that, I fucked him senseless. Every single time, he ended up in a sobbing mess, and I loved seeing him like that.


"Good morning, Kuni." I said softly, Kuni holding onto me tightly. "My love, we have to get up." He groans, and sits up. He was still naked, much to my liking.

My hands brush past his cheeks, pinching them slightly. He stares at me with a pout, and goes to the bathroom.

I prepare breakfast in the meantime, and as usual two cups of water. We agreed on only drinking water for breakfast, since 500 years ago.

"Y/n." I hummed as a response. "What time is it?" He asked, sitting down at the table. "It's currently seven-fifty, hun."

We start work at 8. Therefore, we had ten minutes to eat.


We set off with our work, splitting the paperwork between us. That was when I heard some rumors going around.

"Did you hear? Monstadt was saved by a mysterious traveler!" They were talking about the traveler. Was it Aether or Lumine?

"Really? They solved the Storm terror thing?" "Yes! I heard they planned on going to Liyue next!"

We were in Inazuma, so it would take some time before the traveler comes to us.

Once the paperwork was done, I went to find Kuni. I sat down on the couch, Kuni on my lap. I hugged his waist tightly while resting my chin on his shoulder.

"Kuni, have you heard about Monstadt mysterious hero?" I asked, nuzzling closer to him. "Yes, why?"

"Aren't you excited? A new traveler that plans to travel region to region." "What's so exciting about that?"

"Who knows, maybe they'll be a big surprise." A big surprise that brings a threat to our happy days.

Two Obsessions / Dom/M!Reader x Kunikuzushi/ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now