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(Idk about u guys but it's Sunday here in CA so also someone requested this :))

(Idk about u guys but it's Sunday here in CA so also someone requested this :))

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Kunikuzushi POV:      

I'm mad. I'm shit mad.

Y/n ditched me for that Tartaliah guy.

"Kuni, I didn't ditch you! I told you, he said he had business about work to talk with me! Plus, it was three minutes-" "I don't want to hear it! Your stupid ass ditched me for that piece of trash!" I pouted, I was mad, he said we would have a day off today, but instead he ran off with Tartaliah!

"Kuni~ Please? Forgive me~" Y/n said, hugging my waist. Suddenly, I had an idea. "In one condition." "What is it?"

"Let me be top." I said, smiling. I was a male, and just constantly getting fucked was not what I as supposed to do. I was supposed to be top!!

"....Kuni, you're not serious, right? There's no way I'm letting you do that." Y/n looked shocked, and worried. His daily streak of being top was breaking today.

"Then I'm not forgiving you. I'm never forgiving you!" I said, unwrapping his arms around me and running over to the bed, "You're sleeping on the couch for a year."

He tried to get on the bed, but I kicked him off. "No! You're sleeping on the couch. A year." I said, smirking, "Unless you let me top."

He let out a groan, sighing and sitting on the couch. "How about I-" "-Unless you let me top." "Kuni, it's been five-" "-Unless you let me top." "But Kuni, don't you like-" "-Unless you let me top!!" I screamed, I really wanted my dignity as a man back.

He lets out a painful sigh, and finally nods his head. "..fine. Just this once!" Upon hearing his words, I smile happily. "Okay! Come on," I dragged him to the bed, and pinned him down just like how he would when fucking me.

I wasn't used to this, and I didn't know how to, but basically you just push your cock up their ass, right? Then you pull it out, push it in, and repeat until they cum? I think so...

Y/n sighs, "I'll guide you." I get embarrassed, and nod. We took off our clothes, and I positioned myself. "So.. I just push it in?" Y/n nods, carefully instructing me on what to do.

I slowly push myself in, and I see Y/n bite his lower lip. "..hah, well this is new.."


Y/n was moaning, kind of loud. It feels.. great. Um was holding my body close, urging me to go faster, "Ngh! Kuni, right there, aaah.. f-faster..!-"

I sped up, he moaned loudly and screamed my name. He soon cums, but I think I have the stamina and energy for one more round.

Plus, he was also begging me for another round. "Please.. one more round?" I obliged happily, giving him what he wants.

"Aaah! Kuni, Kuni, ngh..!~" I hit his prostate harder, he arches his back and looks at me with tears in his eyes.

He pulls me in for a kiss, in which he deepens it and moans into. The kiss was broken when I accidentally hit his prostate too hard, he turns his head away and screams in pleasure.

He begged me to go faster, and I did. He pleaded me to go another round, so I also did. He breathed heavily after a couple rounds, we were both out of breathe.

"So.. can I top for-" "No.. just this once.." I sigh, and nod. We go to the bathroom, and take a shower together.

We laid back in bed shortly after, a different bed of course. "Am I forgiven?" He asks, hugging my waist as I ruffled his hair. "If I say no, can I top again?"

"No." He replied, almost immediately. I chuckle, "Okay fine. You're forgiven." He looks up at me, and smiles.

"Kuni has finally grown up~" "..what's that supposed to mean?!" I responded, I was always grown up! I'm over 500 years old.. "It means exactly what you think."

I don't know what it means. He laughs, then cuddles me closer. He's gotten more clingy after letting me top him.

I smile softly, and snuggle with him until we both fell asleep.

(TOP KUNI ARC 🗣️🗣️🗣️ Stayed up to 6am yesterday reading a shitty KazuHeiScara book. I hate it when they suddenly get a daughter that's SOOO strong but only likes the bottom (Scara)


Spring break ends today and I have to go to school tomorrow 😭😭)

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