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Y/n POV:

Aw, my Kuni was so cute! He way he would open his mouth..

"..Y/n, what are you thinking about?" He said, looking at me. "Ahaha, it's nothing.."

Well, other than Kuni, I've heard from the system that Kuni was later going to be joining the 'fatui' and become the sixth harbinger.. he's not gonna leave me, is he?

"Kuni, would you ever leave me for something?" His eyes full of surprise and concern, he replies.

"No, of course not!" He worriedly grabbed my hand. "..what on earth are you thinking?"

If he wasn't going to leave.. I might as well go with him. We can be together! "Kuni, have you ever heard about.. the fatui?" He thought for a second, then nodded.

"I'm gonna join them." I say with a smile, what's his reaction gonna be? His movements paused, and his lips sealed shut.

"Will you come with me?" If he didn't want to, I'm not going to join them either. Anything for my Kuni~

"Okay. Just, don't you dare leave me behind!" He said, nodding. "Of course!" I kissed his lips gently, and smiled.

(I really don't know exactly how you join the Fatui so let's just say they joined already somehow 🤓🤓)

"Kuni, what do you think is gonna happen in the future?" I ask, joining the Fatui is going to change our lives, but at least we're together.

"I don't know. But.. as long as I'm with you, I'll be fine." I feel my face heat up and my lips uncontrollably curve into a large smile. "Yeah. We'll be together forever."

We were offered a room together. Tomorrow, we were going on a mission to collect debt.

Since we just joined, our missions weren't that hard, but they will gradually get harder.

It was nighttime, and we were getting ready for bed. "Goodnight, Kuni." I said, worshipping his hair while spooning him. "Goodnight, Y/n."


I woke up first in the morning, and kissed his forehead. I knew he wasn't awake yet, so I quietly got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

Our room had two gigantic beds, but since we're dating we slept in the same bed. We had three bathrooms and a walk in closet. It was so much better than our old house.

I got ready for the day, and I remembered to wear my fatui uniform. I then quietly walked over to the bed, and tried waking Kuni up.

"Kuni~ time to wake up.." I knew he hated mornings, so I used my softness voice.

He turned around, and grabbed my hand, still not opening his eyes. He was holding my hand to his face, cuddling it as he fell asleep again.

He was.. so cute!!! Sadly I had to wake him up.

"Kuni, wakey wakey~" I kissed his forehead again, laughing. "Just two more minutes..."

"No can do, we'll be late." We had to leave the room by 7AM, it was 6:48.

He groaned as he reluctantly opened his eyes. He yawned and let go of my hand.

"Good morning, my dear." He got out of bed, and rubbed his eyes on his way to the bathroom. "Good morning."

While he was in the bathroom, I went outside to get some breakfast. I got a plate of scrambled eggs with English muffins and jam. Along with some water, of course.

(I have zero idea what the hell Inazumians eat for breakfast so I'll just do the casual 🦅🔥)

I set the plate down on the only table in the room, and waited for him. Once he got out, he sat besides me.

I spread some jam on the English muffins, and handed it to him. While he eats, I'm just watching him. "..Y/n, why aren't you eating?"

"I already ate." I lied. I enjoyed watching him eat, and I didn't have any appetite anyways.

Just as I was about to feed him some scrambled eggs, I had an excellent idea. "Kuni, I'm still kind of hungry." Upon hearing that, he slid the entire plate to me with the last bite of english muffin in his mouth.

I smiled and leaned closer to him. I bit down on the english muffin, and slowly our lips touched.

I used my tongue to thrust the English muffin into his mouth, and broke the kiss. His face was red with surprise, pointing at me while covering his mouth.

"What? It's not like we never kissed before." I teased, taking the hand he was pointing at me and kissing it. "..no shame..."

I laughed, and started stuffing his mouth with scrambled eggs.

(No because how tf do you guys vote on a chapter a second after it was posted 💀)

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