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(Just look 😨😨😨)

(Just look 😨😨😨)

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Y/n POV:

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Y/n POV:

Kuni is mine.

Kunikuzushi, will forever be mine.

I don't know what gotten into me, but I feel like Kuni is going to leave me any second right now.

"Kuni, you can't leave me." I desperately said, holding him tighter. "I won't, Y/n, how many times do I have to tell you?" He says, kissing my cheek.

I stay silent. I want to say something, but I can't. What's wrong with me?

"Kuni, I love you." I said, it's the only thing I want to and can say. He doesn't say it back, but kisses my cheek as a response. I smile.

- (Tbh idk what the hell I just wrote but it's not something thats going to lead to the big plot I'm planning sooo)

(Anyways a day has passed)

Today, was another normal day.

Me and Kuni split the work, and worked in separate offices to prevent any.. distractions.

I was doing my work, until a certain ginger entered my office without knocking. "Hey, comrade! How're you doing?" He asked, sitting down in one of the guest chairs.

"Fine." I replied, I'm know it was mostly my fault but I still like to blame him for most of it. "Don't be so cold! Sometimes I wonder how that Balladeer communicates with you." He said sarcastically.

I held my pen, holding back the urge to throw the pen at him. "I act different around him." I said, focusing on my paperwork.

"So you have a fake personality meant just for him? Don't you think that's deceiving him?" That was my final nerve. I threw the pen at him, "You have no right to say anything about us."

"Geez!" He says, dodging the pen. "Okay, okay! I get it, sorry!" He says again, but I ignore him. "Hey, wanna fight?"

"No." I grab another pen, and focus on my paperwork. I can't be mad here, this guy has no idea how much we've been through to get here- "Are you sure? Then I'll go seek your little husband."

I snapped the pen on accident. I still throw the pieces at him. "Don't you dare. He's tired enough." He paused for a second, looking around. Then, he came closer to my table.

Before I could shoo him away, he speaks. Well, whispers. "Is he tired because you fucked him too hard last night?" I mean, I did fuck him last night, but- "..He's tired, just tired, stay away from him, don't go anywhere near him, or else I'll kill you."

He steps back, sitting back down onto the guests seat. "Ugh, couples are so cheesy." I rolled my eyes. "Then get out of this room. Go find a lover yourself."

These as my last few pages of paperwork, after this document the project will be completed. Me and Kuni no longer need to look over it! Just a bit more.. "Hm. Tell me more about the Balladeer!"

"No." I replied in a cold tone, glaring at him. It's not that I don't trust Kuni to protect himself and beat this guy up, but.. maybe I should let him stay inside these few days.

"Why not?! I want to know more about my friend's husband!" He says, grinning. I fake a smile.

"You know, what if your husband-" He says, pointing his finger up. "Just call him my wife." I said, smiling.

Kuni wasn't going to like being called a wife but.. I like it. My wife that's not actually my husband~

"Uh, okay. So, as I was saying, maybe your wife might have the exact same cold and mean personality! Makes sense why you two get along." Did he just insult my Kuni?

"Outside. Let's have a fight." I said, dropping my pen down. He's not getting away with this. "Oh? Why so sudden?"

"What? You don't want to?" He shakes his head, and smiles. "I didn't say that, I'm always up for a battle!" He seems excited, and I lead him to the training ground where lowly agents train.

Once they see us, they stop their training, and start gossiping. "Hey, look! It's C/n and Tartaglia!" "What're they doing here?" "We're doomed!"

He waves to everyone, not looking like he was here for a battle. "Everyone off training grounds, now." I ordered, everybody quickly carried their equipments and went inside.

"Alright, let's start!" He says, I nod. He is not going to insult my Kuni again.

(Really really really late update I'm really sorry 😔 Had to write four paragraphs in Chinese because my mom said so or no internet tomorrow 😨🥲

So yeah at least it's not pass 12 yet but it's still very late I'm really sorry! Gotta stick to my Dailey update thing 🔥

Since I'm lazy I'm just going to not check for typos because I haven't been for the last three chapters including this one I'm sorry 😔👊

Lastly, thank you all for 10K+ reads! 😘 Never thought my book would get so many reads lol)

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