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Y/n POV:

I have been wandering around Inazuma for a few hours now, and I have gained some RP.

I can't even start on how many times I've helped people find their pets or help them water plants!

Well, currently my RPs is at 420.

Time to buy some stuff~

[10,000 mora bought]
[10,000 mora bought]

[Small house bought]

Now I have 0RP points.

"Hey, where's my small house?" I ask, knocking on the system board aggressively.

[Hosts' house will be downloaded in: 6H, 59M]

"What the hell?! You didn't tell me it would take 7 hours for a damn small house to load!"

[You didn't ask]

[Be grateful, larger houses take more than a month to download.]

"So I have to be grateful I'm poor? What kind of logic is that! You scammed me!" I rebelled.

[System42069 is shutting down for the time being. Any download will not proceed under such circumstances.]

"Wait, wait! Don't shut down yet! Where will I sleep tonight if I don't have a house?!"

[Shutting down..]

[10%.. 32%.. 64%... 83%.. 100%]


"Hey! Don't shut down! I order you, don't shut down! You stupid system! Where will I stay?!" This dumb system scammed me into traveling Teyvat!

I guess the system shut down.

"Ughhh! You stupid system!" I tugged on my hair, I'm not being homeless on my first day in Inazuma!

Just then, I heard some faint voices gossiping in a food shop nearby.

"Wangshu Inn.."
"I heard that.. Barbatos.. Morax.. shogun.."

Oh yes! I can go to an Inn!

Where do I find one? Oh, the one they were talking about! Wangshu Inn! Where is it?

"Um, hello sir, do you know where Wangshu Inn is?" I go to the guy gossiping, and ask him.

"Wangshu Inn? Why would you want to go there?" He replied.

Is Wangshu Inn some bad place or something?

"...it's in Liyue, you're gonna have to take a boat. It's so late, how about you go home, youngster?" The other man said.

Where's Liyue?? Oh, that was one of the region options!

Holy shit, do they not have Inns in Inazuma?!

I regret not picking Liyue.

Just as I was wandering since I had no home, I saw a lady with long, indigo hair with beautiful white robes.

The lady looked down, like they had just cried.

I didn't want to disturb them, but it might be my last hope!

I walked up behind them, and they immediately turned around warily before I could touch their shoulder.

"Who are you?!" The lady asked, though it didn't sound much like a lady. Her voice was still very beautiful..

"O-oh, sorry.. miss, I just wanted to a-"

"Miss? I'm a guy!"


What kind of anime logic is this? Why do people with women like faces always turn out to be guys?!

"I'm so sorry, sir. It's just because you're very beautiful, and your hair is so elegant, I'm so sorry sir!" I exclaimed in a rush, I just needed to apologize but I gave some compliments anyways.

"...Did you need anything?" He said, slowly turning around to face me. Gosh, he was even more beautiful face-to-face. Suddenly, I'm at a loss for words as I stare at his face with a small hint of blush on my face.

"...sir?" His voice brings me back to reality.. It's so smooth..

"Oh.. oh! Y-yes, I was gonna ask.." Wait, what was I gonna ask?

"....for your name..?"

"My name.. It's.." For a second his lips didn't part. I can see his hesitation... why?

"...Kunikuzushi, my name." Such a long yet graceful name. This is Japan after all.. gotta have Japanese names, right?

"It's very pretty. My name is Y/n!" I said, taking his hands and cupping them in my hands.

Although his hands were cold, they were smooth with no flaws.

"Nice to meet you, Y/n. Did you need something from me?.." He asked, tearing his hands away from mine.

My hands felt cold, and lonely once he dragged his hands away. "Oh.. no. I was just wondering if you wanted to become friends?" I ask, giving my best charming smile. I really wanted to be friends with him.

"Friends? With me? " His indigo eyes shined again, they were very pretty too. "Yes, with you!"

He seemed to think for a while, looking down with a hesitant face. "I'm going to have to reject your offer, Y/n."

Two Obsessions / Dom/M!Reader x Kunikuzushi/ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now