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(Building Faruzan for my Xiao and my future Scara ☺️ I have 0 wishes and 72 primos bc idk how to get primos without spending money but if Scara doesn't come home I'm gonna quit Genshin </3)

Wanderer/Kunikuzushi/yk POV:     

Today was so weird.. first, a blonde and a fairy thing comes up and claims they know me, (I don't know them) then a random person comes up hugging me also saying he knows me. (I don't know him either)

Plus, the two sides seems to be hostile to each other.. what am I supposed to do? The blondie seems more cold acting towards me.. while the other is the opposite.

"Wahhh! Kuni..!" They kept saying, crying and sobbing while not letting go of me. They were calling me 'Kuni'? They must've mistaken me for someone else.

I can't help but say I feel jealous of this 'Kuni', they get such a warm and comforting person..

"Sir.. I'm not Kuni. I'm Wanderer." I said, correcting him but he doesn't seem to budge. "No! You're Kuni..!" He says, continuing to sob into my arms.

"..ew, cringe." I heard the white blob say, the blondie stifling a laugh. "Shut the fuck up you Tinkerbell Walmart version I don't know why you're talking when you know nobody will ever love you romantically you stupid little pick me bitch and you Rapunzel wannabe I know you're not laughing when your sister is gone voluntarily because she can't stand your stupid, idiotic, dumb, weird, cringe, useless, worthless, white girl personality ass." The h/c said, was he always so violent?

"Oh shut up you stupid Wattpad Y/n I know you're not saying when you're not even in the actual game and you don't even have a real personality. Nobody likes you and you know it you (someone) lookalike emo bitch." The blondie retorted back, the both starting a battle of whose words were harsher.

"G-guys, let's be civil-" I said, trying to stop them. The guy hugging me nodded, looking at me with.. puppy eyes as he rubbed his cheek on my chest, causing my face to heat up a little.

"Kuni.. anything for you." He said, kissing my neck gently. I blushed a bit, but I didn't want him to stop. My body wanted him to do this. Did we know each other before I lost my memory?!

"Uhh.. s-sir, did we perhaps-" Before I could finish, the blondie interrupted me. "I think we all know who you two are."

The h/c and the blondie glared at each other, the tension was interrupted by the white fairy blob. "Uh.. Paimon doesn't??"

"Paimon means.. isn't that C/n?! But Paimon doesn't know who that is." She said, pointing towards me.

The guy just continued to hug me, crying. "Sir.. are you alright?" "Can I kiss you?" What.

"Sir, we just met." "No!" Then, he screamed and started shaking me.. "Give him his memories back, Buer!!"

So, I have lost my memories? Interesting.. "It would make sense that he had lost his memories.. but how did everyone else forget him too?" The blondie asked himself, thinking.

"Just take him to Buer or something!!" The guy said, looking saddened. "Alright, alright, geez. Perhaps we can get some answers from Nahida.."

-cutscene of whatever Kuni getting his memories back and such bc idk how to write it bc even if I played that scene countless times on yt I haven't done that quest yet so..-

"Kuni! It's okay.." My head, it hurts, all these memories.. mother?

-This is goofy and cringe time skip :)-

"Stupid Y/n..!" I yelled, hitting his chest. "I missed you too Kuni..!" Then, he kissed me. Everything I've ever wanted.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he wraps his around my waist. We shared a deep, passionate kiss, one I've missed for too long.

"..I missed you, stupid dumbass." He chuckled, caressing my face gently. "I missed you, too, Kuni." He kissed the corner of my eyes, then my forehead, my nose, my cheeks, and then.. my lips again.

I could hear the dendro archon and the traveler in the background, but I could care less. All I needed, was to enjoy this moment with Y/n..

(So like idk if I should make the next chapter smut or like lore or sm..

Anyways do you guys think I'm a good and humorous author 🥺👉👈)

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