20: I've dedicated this whole chapter to smut

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(I'm in a really bad mood, so I'm writing sussy.💃💃 Extra long chapter just for smut 😏)

Kunikuzushi/Scaramouche POV:         

Y/n has been acting strange lately.

By 'strange', I mean he's been constantly talking about that 'traveler' and how he's the hero of Monstadt.

He barely even pays attention to me anymore.. no, I'm not jealous.

He's never told me where he came from, it could be Monstadt judging by how he's excited that the traveler saved Monstadt.

Still, he can't be just talking about that damned traveler! He's not even.. noticing me nowadays.

"That traveler seems to be going to Liyue! I heard the eighth is going there, too." He said, going on and on about that thing.

"What's so good about him anyways. Is he better than me?" I asked, putting a hand up to my chest. "Of course not."

"Hmph, all you ever do these days is talk about that stupid traveler." I let my feelings out, I should be mad at him. "Oh? Kuni, are you jealous?"

He said, interlocking our hands together. He pins both my hands down onto the table, and smirks. "No, I'm not. I'm not going to be jealous of a lowly traveler."

"Are you sure, my love? Lying isn't going to get you anywhere." He said, biting on my skin. "Fine. I am jealous, all you ever do now is ramble about how that damned traveler saved Monstadt, what's so good about that? You don't even pay any attention to me anymore."

Maybe I shouldn't have said that. My pride and ego that I've spent years building up, just crumbled before me.

"Aw~ I'm so sorry, Kuni." He said, kissing my neck gently. Then, kissing my forehead, ears, cheeks, then lips.

I moaned as he slips his tongue through my lips and into my mouth, exploring every area.

I broke the kiss, and gasped for air. "Kuni, don't you enjoy my affection? Didn't you want me to pay attention to you?" He said, teasing me.

I rejected eye contact, forcing myself to believe that I didn't need his stupid affection, I was still mad at him.

"How about we take this to the bed?" I got excited, every single time. I know it's pathetic, but I just can't help it....

He throws me over his shoulders, and ignore all my kicks and punches. He throws me on the bed, and I struggle when he puts handcuffs on me.

"Honey, I know you want this." He starts stripping my clothes off, his own too. He pins my hands above my head, and leaves my ass completely exposed to him once again.

I get even more excited when I see him naked. I pretend to struggle, using the least bit of energy to do so.

He lines his dick up with my ass, and pushes it in. I bite my lip at the pleasure, not letting him win. I was mad at him, I did need affection, but a part of me just refuses to give in to him.

He starts thrusting, making me feel every inch of him. His dick lines up perfectly with my hole, pleasing my twitching walls.

He knows exactly where to go to leave me begging him, and that's what he does. He goes right past my prostate, only touching little bits of it to make me scream in frustration.

"Ngh.. aaah.. r-right there, please.." He kept teasing me, brushing past my prostate like it was nothing.

I struggle against the handcuffs, wanting to break free and force him to go deeper and please me.

I unconsciously start humping back at him, loving how good it felt yet how I needed so much more.

"Kuni, you're so dreamy. I love you so much." He says through pants, he always does this to calm me before he wrecks me.

He starts ramming into me, leaving me moaning loudly and a sobbing mess. He slides across my prostate several times, a bit too fast for my body to keep up with the pleasure.

"Ah! Ah! S-slow d- aaah!~ d-don't stop! Ah!" I feel myself getting close, but then he stops. "Aaah.. d-don't stop, please, need to cum.."

He kissed my lips, and praises me again. "In a minute, love." By 'in a minute', he meant edging me for hours nonstop.

"Please! Want to cum.. n-need to cum, please!" I begged him while crying, but he doesn't budge. I felt like I was going to explode from the pleasure, until he stops again and again.

"Kuni, be patient. You can cum soon." He said that too many times, and I've always believed him.

"Ah! Ah! Ah..!~ n-no, don't stop, aaah.." I wanted to- no, I needed to cum, all the pain and pleasure I got from not cumming..

"How about this? I won't stop fucking you, but you can't cum until I do, okay?" He says, stroking my hair away from my eyes. I nod eagerly, wanting to cum so bad.

Y/n starts fucking me again, I bit my lip in hope of not passing out from how good the pleasure was. I moaned so loud, I was lucky that our walls were soundproof.

He just keeps going faster and deeper, making me scream. "Mm! Ngh, ah! Ngh, more, please, aah!" I was desperate for release, it was excruciating not being able to cum.

"Ngh, just a little more, Kuni." Y/n says, wiping my tears. My eyes were shut closed from the pleasure.

"It's too much, ah!" My cock already leaked precum, I had to hold it in or else I would receive a punishment.

"Hold it. If you don't, you'll have to endure more rounds." He said, pounding my prostate even faster.

The sounds I made were like music to his ears, he completely ignored my pleads for access to cumming.

"Ah! Please, cum, I- ah! Ngh, too much!" I screamed as I cummed, finally releasing. That wasn't good for me later, though. "Bad boy, I didn't cum yet." His hands traveled to my mouth, shoving two fingers into it.

"Now, it's time for punishment." I whimpered, exhausted yet wanting more.

He pulls out of me, which I kicked my legs and whined to. "Such a good slut, Kuni." He caressed my face.

He laid down, and dragged me onto his legs. "Do as you wish." That was all I needed to ride him. I like myself up, and start bouncing up and down his shaft.

He groans and moans, but it's all covered up with my sounds. I try to move faster, wanting more pleasure but my legs just can't seem to do so.

As if helping me, Y/n sets his hands on my waist and starts moving me up and down. I moaned loudly, enjoying his help. "Ah, ah! Right there! Harder, ngh!"

He wouldn't stop even after I cummed, I started whining but he wouldn't stop. "Please, mm! too much, I can't, ah!"

I tremble from my third orgasm in total, and he finally cums inside of me, too. He fills me up with his seed, and I plop down besides him. I pant and gasp for air, I was a mess.

Two Obsessions / Dom/M!Reader x Kunikuzushi/ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now