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(Idk what to say rn bc my life is so boring but the girlfriend broke up with the boyfriend 💀 ALSO THANK YOU ALL FOR 80K+ READS!!!!)

(Lmao the last time I updated was like a week ago sorry y'all 😔🙏 I forgot to feed you guys 😿)

Kunikuzushi POV:

After many rounds, I collapsed onto the bed and shook my head, my body hurts, I couldn't go on anymore. "N-no.. it hurts.. please.."

"Oh Kuni..." He pulls on my collar again, caressing the cat ears on my head as he flicked my forehead. "Please? Just one more round.."

"No.. you said that last time!" I pouted, thrashing around while Y/n tries to comfort me. "I'm sorry~ but you feel so good.."

I blushed, does my ass- that's embarrassing to ask.

"I-it- hurts.. please.." It was true, if we had one more round I would probably pass out from pain and exhaustion. "Alright.. fine. I'll give you five minutes." He says, kissing my cheek as he holds me close to his body.

"Five.. minutes?" I questioned, "Yes, be prepared after five minutes." "..I can't! It still hurts after five minutes! At least give me two days.. bare minimum." He groans in response, "But I can't wait.." "You stamina monster.."


We got ready, and our plan began. We were going to do Fatui things to obtain the electro gnosis. Of course, I'm not going even if I insisted. Y/n thinks I have too much trauma so he's not letting me go.

"Absolutely not, you're not going." "Why?!" "You have trauma and I don't. I'm protecting you."

Protecting me my ass.. I'm lonely without him. I'm never going to admit that, though.

I stayed in my office wearing comfortable clothes, which was a hoodie from Y/n. It had his scent on it..

I was doing paperwork, since Y/n was out I had to do all the paperwork. Even if we did meet face-to-face with the Shogun, she probably wouldn't even know me! Why can't I go?! I'm not that weak..

...well, I couldn't just stay here, could I?


"The delusions look fine.. send them to that Sango-something place." I said, yawning.

"Yes, sir!" The agents went away, and I sighed deeply. I would never admit it, but I was missing Y/n.

When this happens, I just cover a pillow with one of Y/n's shirt and hug it until he comes home, but I wasn't home right now. I was in the factory.

I could leave soon, though.

I stare out the window, sighing as I waited to leave. Those lowly peasants are so slow..


I unconsciously fell asleep, but was woken by not Y/n's sweet smile and warm hug, but some stupid fighting sounds.

"Ugh.." I groaned, waiting for an agent to explain what the fuck was happening. Soon, one came barging in.

"M-my lord!" "Did you never learn how to fucking knock?" These stupid creatures never learn to knock.. "I apologize, my lord, but this is urgent! There's a blonde girl fighting many of our agents and members, she's rapidly approaching!"

Blonde.. girl? The Traveler?! Bitch, I still remember when she stole all of Y/n's attention and even hurt him..

"Settle down, I'll head there now."

-(Insert epic hot Scara scene meeting with the Traveler and Yae Miko giving the gnosis 🤭)-

"It's a fair trade, isn't it?" I stared at the electro gnosis, it was this easy? "Yeah yeah, whatever."


I sat down in our home, just staring at the gnosis. This was supposed to be my.. heart? Yes, it was, and it still is.

Then.. I should tell Y/n. Maybe later, though, I'm tired. I hug a pillow that had one of Y/n's hoodies on them, and soon fell asleep, grasping the gnosis tightly in my hands.


"Kuni~ wake up~" I was woken up again, but this time with Y/n's bright smile and warm hug. "Did you have a nice nap, sleepy head?" He asked, flicking my forehead gently.

I whined, and nodded sleepily. "Mind telling me why you have this?" He says, holding the gnosis. From instinct, I tried to get it back, but Y/n leaned backwards.

"So? Any explanation?" I sighed, and nodded as I explained to him how I obtained the electro gnosis.

"..Kuni, maybe next time tell me?" "I didn't know how!" I pouted, grabbing the gnosis from his hands.

".. sigh, well okay." He wraps his arms around my waist, his chin resting on my shoulder. I continued to stare at the gnosis, so small in my hands..

"Y/n, what happens if we don't give the gnosis to the Tsaritsa?"

(So much drama has happened in a week idek what to tell y'all anymore 🤷‍♀️

Tbh I'm surprised my primos hasn't gone negative yet, maybe my Genshin acc will survive! 😻😻

ALSO THANKS FOR 90K+ READS!!! :) Btw I changed the summary a bit :))

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