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Back then, I use to wonder: 'Is human sex that great?'

But now I know, it's great.

"Mgh.. ah.. Y/n!~" I moaned, I couldn't resist anymore. I wanted to cum, but I didn't know the price was cumming over and over again!

Well, I admit, I kind of liked it.. the way he would wreck me, the way he whispered sweet things praising me when it was too much for me.. he was so perfect.

He thrusts into me again and again, making me cum for the 6th time. "Hah.." I gasped for air, the pleasure was overwhelming. Y/n also came quickly after, filling me up with his cum once again.

He smiled warmly at me, holding me gently in his arms like I was delicate glass. We cuddled for a bit.

"..Y/n, what are we now?" He seemed confused, but replied anyway.

"Of course, we're friends!" friends..? Do friends do stuff like this?.. I felt a bit down, but accepted it. "..okay." "Just kidding! You're my boyfriend now!" Boy.. friend? Boyfriend! "Boyfriends?"

"Yeah! We could.. do this more often if we're boyfriends. We're dating now!" He said cheerfully, appearing to be happy dating me.

I.. I want to do this with him more. "Okay."

We fell asleep, in each other's embrace.


I woke up, and Y/n was gone.

I panicked, sitting up immediately and looking around. Despite my legs and ass being sore, I was perfectly fine.

Well, it was far more than just 'sore' but that's not the point.

"Y/n?!" I yelled, hoping to get a response. "Yes? You're awake?"

I saw Y/n come out of a room I'm assuming is the kitchen, since he had a bowl of porridge in his hands.

His lips curved into a smile as he saw that I was awake, and he kissed my forehead. "Good morning, darling."

Good.. morning?! "It's morning already? How long have I slept for?!" When we first got here, it was 12PM! After we.. you know, it was still 6PM..

"Well, not exactly. It's 3AM right now, my dear." Oh.. well, getting a head start of the day is not bad. "Oh.. thank you."

"Y/n.. I have something to tell you." I've decided. I shouldn't keep secrets from him. He.. wouldn't mind my past, would he? If I wasn't human.. it all wouldn't matter would it?

"Hm? What is it, Kuni?" He asked, placing the dishes down. I grip onto the bed sheets, still nervous.

As if seeing right through me, he reassured me. "Kuni, you can tell me anything. I would still love you." He said, giving me a small peck on the lips.

I looked down, refusing to hold eye contact. "If.. if I wasn't that human, would you.. still love me?" His lips parted a bit, probably from shock. "...go on."

I went all out. I told him about how she created me, and abandoned me. How all three of them betrayed me, and so on.

The whole time, I didn't look in his eyes. Did he feel sorry for me? Did he think I was lying? Did he.. stop loving me?

Once I finished, I felt lighter. Was it because I had been so nervous about it?

"..Kuni." He was saying my name. Did it feel any different? Was there hate in his voice? I didn't want to know. "Kuni, are you alright?"

He was still worried about me, he still loved me, right?

"Kuni, you're crying." I was crying? By instinct, I raised my hand up and tried wiping away my useless tears.

They were endless, and soon I stopped trying to make them disappear. I just let myself cry in front of the person I love. How pathetic.

"Kuni.." I felt two warm hands on my cheeks, lifting my head up. I lowered my head again. One, I didn't want him to see my ugly tears. Two, I didn't want to admit he might've stopped loving me.

"Kuni, look at me. Please?" He said, with the softest voice. I nod a little, and look up slowly.

He pulls me into his arms, warm. His long fingers wipe my tears while he lands the softest kisses on my face.

I completely melted in his embrace, crying. It was pitiful.

"Kuni, it wasn't your fault." He would whisper once in a while, along with other sweet things. Gosh, he was so good at comforting.

Once I managed to stop crying, he fed me some food. This was weird.

It wasn't that I didn't like it, but.. he wasn't acting any different. "..Y/n?"

"Yes, honey?" He replied, blowing on a spoon of porridge to make the steam go away. "Do you still love me?" His movements paused, staring at me like I had just asked the stupidest question ever.

"Of course I do. What nonsense are you thinking about, Kuni?" That.. was comforting to know. "Well, you know.. I just told you everything, do you not see me any different?"

"Why should I? You're still my Kuni, aren't you?" He replied honestly. I wanted to cry again, but he stuffed the porridge in my mouth. "Less talking. You need to eat, Kuni. Even if you don't need it!" His smile is still charming as ever.

Two Obsessions / Dom/M!Reader x Kunikuzushi/ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now