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(Type 69 if ur down bad for Scara, want to cuddle him and give him love, and want to fuck him until he whimpers and cries and begs you to stop and have mercy and torture him with a vibrator until his bratty attitude goes down and a submissive attitude comes up and you want to call him a little slut. 69696969)

Kunikuzushi/Scaramouche POV:      

I guess we're getting the Electro Gnosis. I don't mind, really, it's actually what I've wanted all along.

If the Electro Gnosis is really my heart... Then would I, too, be human like Y/n? Would he be more satisfied if he was married to a human?

I thought on the way out of her majesty's palace. "Kuni, do you feel alright?" Hm? "Yeah, why?"

"We're retrieving the electro gnosis after all.. that means we're probably going to encounter her." He said, his hand finding it's way to mine. He holds my hand tightly, worried.

"No, I'm fine. It's okay." I replied, giving him a small smile. Truthfully, I disliked the idea of even hearing her name or title come out of anyone's mouth. But, I won't admit it. Human emotions are unnecessary..

It's funny, isn't it? How I want to be the perfect human for Y/n to be proud, yet I also don't want human emotions. Odd, right?


"Our mission begins tomorrow, Kuni. You need a good night's rest." He says, closing his eyes to not see me.

I was in an extremely exposing dress, it revealed my shoulders and my thighs, and most of my stomach. "Please?~ Just one round!"

I wanted to fuck so bad! He hadn't touched me since three days ago.. I only resorted to wearing this revealing dress to persuade him to fuck me. "No, Kuni, we can't. One round would make you beg for more, and then I would have to take you through it."

"Please? I promise not to ask for any more rounds!" He shook his head, and sighed. "No, Kuni.."

I pouted, and angrily hit his arm. I dragged his arm down, and forced him to look at me.

Of course, I was the best. One look at me and his face was completely full of lust. I smiled, I knew exactly what to do to get what I wanted.

I pushed him down onto the couch, and sat on his lap. His eyes never moved off of my body. I wouldn't do this just any normal day, but I really wanted it today..

"Hey, handsome. Want to play a game with me?" I said seductively, yes, I was seducing him. I knew what he wanted right then, and I could see it in his eyes that he was using everything he could to hold back the urge to rail me.

"Please?~" I used my best, milky voice, and even started grinding my hips against him. I put my hands on his shoulders, and placed my lips against his skin.

"Sir.. You wouldn't want to make me sad, would you?" I slowly climbed up his body, sitting up and cupping his face, looking down at him.

His face was.. hot. His eyes couldn't move away from my body, he was staring at my thighs and body. "You know you want this.."

I slowly leaned in closer to him, our eyes meeting, his hands started going up my body. "Yes.. just like that.."

I leaned in until our lips were centimeters apart, but I didn't kiss him. Rule 34 (😏) of seducing, make them do the next move.

Seems like he couldn't take it anymore, and leaned in to me. Our lips touched, and I smiled into the kiss. I knew I had gotten what I wanted.

The kiss gets heated, and I slide down his body. My hands press against his chest as his arms wrap around my waist.

"Mm.." Once the kiss broke, he dragged me to the bed. He pressed me down against the bed, with me smirking.

"You know what will happen if this keeps going." I smile, "I do." He looks at me with lust and hints of anger, I'm guessing at himself for falling this this old trick of mine.

"Good." "I look forward to this, mister." I knew what was going to get to me, I would get railed. Really hard, so hard that I probably couldn't stand straight tomorrow and needed support to even take a step. But, I brought this up on myself.

(Help I just finished writing like 4 paragraphs of homework 💀 It was due on Friday and I didn't finish, I even brought the damn book home but I forgot about it and right now it's Sunday 11:53pm 💀💀)

Two Obsessions / Dom/M!Reader x Kunikuzushi/ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now