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(I just realized that this book has 50 chapters and all of them are either smut or daily life of Kuni and Y/n there's no actual story or drama happening.. I want drama 😞😞)

Y/n POV:

I saw the Traveler at Ritou. I think they were leaving to somewhere. If I remembered correctly from the system, there's a chasm quest you needed to complete. (I'm actually stuck at that part 💀)

I smirked, well, it wouldn't hurt to tease them a little. "Y/n?" My beloved said, crossing his arms.

"Why're you not paying attention to me?" How cute, he wants attention~ "Aw, I'm sorry my Kunibear, I'll cuddle you right away~"

His face flushed, coughing a little before speaking. "I-i told you to stop calling me that.. but cuddle me." I smiled, carrying Kuni bridal style to the bed and stripping him if any heavy clothing.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and neck, and he wrapped his arms around my neck. Our legs intertwined, he was so cute and cuddly!

A few hours pass, and I decided to tell him. "Kuni~ I have to tell you something." "I like you too." He said, not even looking up. "I like you too-too, Kuni~ but that's not it."

"..what is it?" He asked, finally looking up at me. "I'll be gone for a few weeks." I said, I desperately wanted to be known in the game by the players.

He gasped a little, looking so sad. I couldn't bear seeing him like this.. he looked like he was about to cry..! "..oh, okay." He hid his face in my chest, but I could hear small sniffles. Why was he so cute?!

"Kuni.. you know I can't bear seeing you cry.." I kissed his forehead, ruffling his hair. "..I'm not crying." I sighed, and lifted his chin to see him with teary eyes.

"I'm sorry Kuni, I-" "..you alway leave.. I hate it!" He said, pushing me away and turning away from me. My heart hurted, I tried to pull Kuni back, but he smacked my hand away.

I could hear his pouts and sniffles as he got out of bed, and went to some other bedroom to sleep. I gave him space, since I knew he was in a bad mood.

I tried not crying, but I was tearing up. Maybe I should just stay with Kuni..

[Beep! Beep! It's been like 20 years]

I know that voice. Why was the system looking for me?

[Hello, host. System has been updated and I forgot to tell you 10 years ago because you stopped using me]

[Give a rating on your traveling in Teyvat so far! This will be used in the future for new travelers! ★★★★★]

[Sorry, that was an ad. But, since you've been here for over five centuries, you've officially broke the new record for longest customer! 🎉]

"..shut up, I'm not in the mood." I said, the system was so annoying, plus Kuni just left me.. I was in a really bad mood.

"Get to the point, what do you want?" I asked.

[Loyal customers get respect, but you've been here way too long. You are messing with the actual game, and that's against the rules]

[You were never meant to actually have an 'impact' in 'Genshin Impact. Get it? No? Well, there's impact in Genshin impact, and you've impacted the world inside of Genshin impact, so..]

"Not funny. What's your point of saying this? I should step down?" I asked, I had a bad feeling about this.

[No :) We're sending you back and your spot will be replaced by a new traveler]

I instantly sat up, shocked. What about Kuni? The people I care abo- well, it's only Kuni. I can't leave Kuni!

"You're kidding." I said, fear in my voice as my voice cracks a little.

[My superiors have decided this, don't blame me ┐⁠(⁠'--`⁠)⁠┌ ]

[Timer: 71H, 59M, 59S]

Holy shit, I had three days?! That's a little longer than expected, but I'm not complaining.

"Hey! What happens after I get sent back?!" I hurriedly asked the system.

[You get sent back, duh]

"...no, I mean what happens to this world?" I asked, shocked by the stupidity of the system.

[I don't know? Figure it out yourself]

"Wow, bitch." I said, it's so ignorant.

[Don't care + didn't ask + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + mald seethe cope harder + hoes mad +
basic + skill issue + ratio + you fell
off + the audacity + triggered + any
askers + redpilled + get a life + ok
and? + cringe + touch grass +
donowalled + not based + your're
a (insert stereotype) + not funny
didn't laugh + you're* + grammar
issue + go outside + get good +
reported + GG! + ask deez + ez clap
+ straight cash + ratio again + final
ratio + stay mad + stay pressed +
cancelled + done for + mad free +
freer than air + rip bozo +
slight_smile + cringe again + mad
cuz bad + lol + irrelevant + cope +
jealous + go ahead whine about it
+ your problem + don't care even
more + not okay + problematic +
go cry to your mommy about it +
don't care + didn't ask + cry about it
+ stay mad + get real + L + mald
seethe cope harder + hoes mad +
basic + ur dad died yesterday + skill
issue + ratio + you fell off + the
audacity + triggered + any askers +
redpilled + get a life + ok and? +
cringe + i fucked your mom + touch
grass + donowalled + not based +
your're a (insert stereotype) + not
funny didn't laugh + you're* +
grammar issue + go outside + get
good + reported + ad hominem +
GG! + ask deez + ez clap + straight
cash + ratio again + final ratio + stay
mad + stay pressed + cancelled +
done for + mad free + freer than air
+ rip bozo + slight_smile + cringe
again + mad cuz bad + lol + irrelevant
+ cope + jealous + go ahead whine
about it + your problem + don't care
even more + not okay + glhf +
problematic + phase + emo + sus +
ur mom + no bitches + 💀 + died +
clown + (your mom joke) + (your dad
joke) + isolate + L + continue crying +
u're a no one + stay mad]

(Holy shit that added 200 words 💀 Copy and pasted btw ;))

"Wow. I hope your whole family dies in a bus accident." I said, ad began cursing the system out. "You shit motherfucker, I don't even have a fucking mother, I go outside everyday and go on dates with my Kuni while you can't even touch grass because you don't have a real fucking body-"

[L bozo, logging off now bye]

I sighed, knowing the system probably wouldn't come back until three days later, my deadline.

Right now was 5pm, so three days later at 5pm I'll leave forever.. sounded fake. I've built up so much, and I got attached to Kuni and this fictional world.

First of all, I needed to talk to Kuni.

(I'm playing Honkai: Star Rail and tell me why I thought of rail me but it's downloading at 5%/hour so)

Two Obsessions / Dom/M!Reader x Kunikuzushi/ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now