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(I haven't updated in so long 😭

Anyways I maxed Dragonspine and I'm on 80 pity for Kazuha. If I lose my 50/50 I'm gonna cry and go for guaranteed Scara if I win no Scara for me..


At this point every chapter until 69 is gonna be smut because I have zero ideas 😭)

Kunikuzushi POV:

"Y/n!" I called, "We're out of cat food! Can you go buy some?" I was cuddling with our all our cats, with Candy in favor of being in my arms.

"Sure thing!-" Y/n was chewing on a lollipop stick, as he took a bag of mora then left. We needed a lot, so the bag probably had around two million mora..


"Kuni~" Y/n kicked the door open, dragging nearly twenty or more bags of cat food with a wagon. "I'm home~"

I stopped my movements, putting down the knife on the cutting board as I walked around the cats around my legs. I gave Y/n a small kiss on the cheek. "Welcome back.. I missed you." I said softly, blushing a little as I gave him another kiss on his other cheek.

"Awe~ I missed Kuni too!" The cats began swarming around their food. Y/n kissed me on the lips, smiling.

I blushed, feeling my cheeks heat up before I cleared my throat and went back to cutting the vegetables for tonight's dinner. Meanwhile, Y/n cut open a bag of cat food, stepping into the fence that was blocking the army of cats.

He began pouring the cat food into the pet food bowls, and once he was finished the gigantic bag of cat food had around 1/15 left of it. I then grabbed a bag of tuna flavored cat treats, dropping a phew pieces in each bowl.

Once I finished, I threw the empty bag away, and grabbed another bag cat treats, and put a few pieces in each bowl. I repeated the process for five bags of cat treats.

Once their dinner was ready, they could be let in. I put a hand on the wall for dear life, and opened the fences. Instantly, all the cats came swarming in, choosing a bowl to eat and began devouring. I let out a sigh of relief, letting go of the wall and carefully stepping through the army of cats.

Y/n and me then slowly separated cats that were eating from the same bowl, and moved them to an empty bowl.

"..phew!" Y/n sighed in relief. "Another day, another slay.." He said softly, then turned to me.."Need help in the kitchen?" "Of course." I smiled, holding his hand to the kitchen.

I put the vegetables into the soup that was boiling, while Y/n prepared the rice and the eggs.

After about thirty minutes, the meal was done, and we were seated at the table. "Kuni~ Don't you just want to do something for once instead of just living in a loop?" Y/n said, as he picked up his chopsticks.

It's true, none of the harbingers have received any big mission to assassinate the traveler or something. We've just been living our life, doing whatever..

Well, the only news could be that Tartalia adopted a fox? Yeah, he named it- what was it, Xiansheng Jr? Weirdest name, but it came as no surprise, since Tartalia is weird himself.

After a warm dinner, we set the cats to bed (Which took two full rooms to fit them all in) and had some alone time to ourselves.

"Kuni, do you think tonight we can-" Y/n said, staring at me as he just came out of the shower. "No! You already showered, plus, my ass still hurts." I said, sighing as I laid down on the bed. "You're welcome for cuddles, though."

"Challenge accepted." He said, smiling as he pounced onto me, hugging the daylight out of me. His face was rested on my stomach, as I gently ruffled his hair. "Goodnight, love." He whispered.

"..oh shit." I cursed. From his perspective, under the blankets, it was dark. But the lights were off yet. "..Y/n.. I don't want to move." Y/n groaned, uncovering the blankets and giving me a small kiss before getting out of bed and switching the light off. "Thank you~"

He smiled, hugging my waist again as he returned to his previous position. "Goodnight, Kuni~" "Goodnight." I smiled, kissing his forehead before drifting off to sleep.

(It's 5am 😔

I'm on 7% and I wrote this in a rush

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I'm on 7% and I wrote this in a rush.. I am definitely not checking for typos.

I just realized I grinded 30 pulls in a week 💀 I'm so desperate I'm gonna do it again for Scara

Anyways I'm sorry I haven't updated 😭 I'm alive dw. Also I'm just gonna go casually change my entire personality to a robot for becoming a Kazuha main 💪💪)

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