47: EXPOSED 📸🗣️🚓🚨

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(Thank you all for the support on my 3K situation 😔🙏 Bro I just hope I make it out alive 💀 Well bc of it I didn't update for a while so... Dw I'm here to feed y'all no matter if I'm dead or nah 😊)

Kunikuzushi/Scaramouche POV:      

(Kuni last night:)

Just in case, I should set an alarm. I haven't been able to wake up early, because of the exhaustion that hits me whenever Y/n makes me feel good.


The alarm rings, and it was so annoying.. I groan, and threw the alarm on the wall. I didn't mean for the wall to break.

I slept back in.. who doesn't? When I woke up sleepy, the fact that I ignored my alarm was weighing on me.. so I had to get up ten minutes early, hmph.

But.. Y/n wasn't there. Where was he? Did he leave me?! No, he'd be back.. I have to trust him. H-he said he'd never leave me, he loves me, he's obsessed with me, he can't live without me.. he promised me..

I sat on the bed, nervously waiting for Y/n to be back. He.. he'd never leave me, right?

I started biting my nails, he couldn't leave me, he would never, did someone take him from me? Who? How dare they.. I need Y/n, he's mine, only mine, where was he..


After a minute, I couldn't wait anymore. What was taking him so long?

I ran out the house and searched everywhere, he wasn't there. No, he wouldn't leave me, he couldn't! He can't. I'll bring him back and lock him up, he'd never escape from me.. I was too careless, I knew I should've locked him up, I-

Just then, I heard someone moving through the bushes. I jumped onto a tree soundlessly, and observed the area. Soon I saw that the person was.. Y/n?!

I always said his name, but that would expose my cover. Exposing my cover wouldn't do me any bad, but I guess it was just Fatui habits.

Why was Y/n outside at this time? Was he with someone..?!

I looked at the oath Y/n came from, and I silently jumped off the tree and went in that direction.

After a few minutes of walking, I saw a cabin. It wasn't just any cabin, it was our old cabin. He.. was visiting this place?

I felt my heart flutter, but something seemed wrong. The house was bigger. That couldn't be.. I remember exactly. It was a 25 by 30 house with the height of 9 foot tall and- (Bro idk shit about houses but yah)

..Was someone inside the house living with him secretly?

I kicked the door open, but ended up with.. pictures? With a closer look.. they were pictures of me?! S-so many..

There were so many pictures of me.. how did he get them? When did he take them? I felt my heart flutter again, my eyes narrowing as I stared at our memories together.

He.. started taking these so long ago? The time with that stray cat in Inazuma.. Our first mission in Liyue.. Our training in the Fatui camp.. he took pictures? How come I didn't notice?

I started at the pictures in awe, as if reliving those beautiful memories.

I moved to the next wall, labeled 'Cute Kuni'.. how embarrassing of me..

I looked at each picture carefully, smiling. Until.. the last wall.. He took pictures of me m-masterbating..?! W-when?! Does he make no sound when walking?!

As I blushed and felt embarrassed, someone barged into the cabin. I looked, and it was Y/n. "Y-y/n?"

"Kuni..! Where you here?!" He said, he must've ran here after seeing that I wasn't in bed. "I was just looking for you, then I-"

He stopped my sentence, and dragged me out of the cabin. "Kuni, did you see anything?" "Well, of course I-"

"Oh fuck, I'm sorry, Kuni," Why was he apologizing? Does he not like me? Why would he take pictures then?

"K-kuni, don't get mad at me, please?" Y/n slowly sinked into his knees, holding my hand as he begged for forgiveness. "I didn't mean to take pictures behind your back.. I'm sorry..."

"W-wait! Stand up!" I quickly pulled him up, he was so adorable while apologizing..!

He kneeled back down again, "I won't until you say you forgive me." "I forgive you! It's okay, I'm not mad."

He looked up, as if shocked. "You're not?" "No.. in fact I'm kind of turned on by this.."


W-why wasn't he saying anything? I knew I shouldn't have said my heart.. "Oh Kuni.. if I could I would fuck you right here right now, but we have a mission in an hour.."

I blushed red again, how embarrassing.

(Aww I missed April Fools :( BUT TY FOR 70K+ READS 🥳 It's 1:38am rn gtg sleep bye y'all :))

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