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THE FRESH AIR and dark sphere announced the start of autumn. Many families were preparing themselves for colder days to come as summer had come to an end. Britain, as always, would have many rainstorms and with the war in the Wizarding World, everything seemed sombre.

Not to mention, the lives of many are just about to start as the new school year is near. Of course this also means a bunch others have finished their education and are about to hide or fight for the war. 

A woman, dark brown hair and piercing green eyes, makes her way through the dim-lit streets of a small town she had grown to love. Her pale hands clasp a basket with a blanket inside. The figure moves in the silence of the night towards that one specific house.

She hadn't been here often, only a couple of times to check on some people but never too close. Her reputation would alarm many and that was not worth it for her. She stands in front of the simple looking house. The colours of which are dark yet it has an inviting aura. 

She moves up the stairs to the doorstep and places the basket on the ground near her feet very carefully. She squats down, her eyes warm and filled with adoration. Inside the basket lies a small baby, mistakenly a little witch who would grow up to become a very special woman.

"I'm sorry." The emerald-eyed woman whispers, standing up and knocking on the door. Before it could open, she had disappeared and left the baby behind. For a moment everything is quiet until the sound of a creaking door breaks through the silence.

A man appears, young and handsome, with dark raven hair reaching his shoulders and grey tired eyes. His clothes are chic and definitely expensive and by the looks of his jacket, he was just about to leave. A small whimper attracts his attention towards the basket, his eyes grow wide in surprise and a small note grabs his eye. He reaches down, picking up the piece of parchment and reading over it carefully.

Dear Sirius,

I am sorry for bringing you this information so suddenly but I could no longer postpone. This is Ebony, your daughter. She was born on the 10th of June, 1978. I wish the circumstances were different but unfortunately I cannot continue to take care of her. I hope you can find it in yourself to keep her safe


Sirius has frozen completely, the cold wind breezing past him yet he does not make an attempt to move. A child. His child. Until a minute ago he didn't even know he had a child and now this. When he has found it in himself to resume breathing, he very slowly moves to pick up the basket and bring it inside. With shaking hands, he grabs it and carries it to his kitchen counter where he places it down. 

His first idea is calling someone who would have to help him. He runs over to the hallway where a phone was installed and dials the familiar number. One beep. He has just become father from a child that is one year old. Second beep. No name, no initial, no family crest, nothing. Third beep. What is he supposed ---

"Hello, with--"

"Lily!" Sirius whisper-yells over the phone, careful to not wake up the baby he has in his kitchen now. "I have a baby." 

"... You what?"

"I have a baby, a real baby." He hears a sigh come from the other side of the phone.

"Sirius, I'm not in the mood for pranks."

"But--" Cut off. Sirius hangs the phone back and looks behind him towards the kitchen where the child is placed. A sudden cry comes from the little girl, Sirius' eyes widen in horror and he rushes over. "Oh, no, shh, shh. Don't cry." His attempts to calm her down however fail and the little witch continues to cry. 

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